What, where and how:
POA_CALFOS replaces CALFOS as the standard IRAF STSDAS
FOS calibration package offering an improved correction to the
zero point offsets found during the post-operational analysis
of the contributing errors for BLUE data sets. more
(Download the POA_CALFOS
Final Release presentation)
POA_CALFOS: The IRAF layered package STPOA, contains
the new calibration pipeline called 'poa_calfos'. It can be
downloaded from here.
There is also a patch for v1.2.2 available here.
[NOTE: If you are working at STScI or at ESO,
this software has already been installed under the IRAF extern
distribution. You can load it by typing "stpoa.poa_fos" in a
cl window. You must also load the "stsdas.hst_calib.fos" packages
in order to run the POA pipeline.]
It is also possible to obtain the data directly, already
re-calibrated with the latest POA_CALFOS pipeline and the most
recent reference files, here.
Updates to existing calibration
documentation: Modifications to the existing descriptions
of the calibration procedure found in the HST Data Hand Book
and the FOS Instrument Handbook appropriate to POA_CALFOS can
be found here.
New header keywords file
(root.poa): POA_CALFOS introduces a number of new
calculations, which are kept as a history record in a new output
file, almost like "header keywords". This file and these "keywords"
are listed here with brief descriptions.
Improved wavelength calibration
with POA_CALFOS: Discussion of zero points as seen
in the standard calibration with CALFOS and as seen now with
Improved science with
POA_CALFOS: An example of improved scientific results
achieved with re-calibration by POA_CALFOS.
POA technical reports relating
to POA_CALFOS, these are currently in preparation, only
the abstracts are available here: