Running 'poa_calfos' will produce a '.poa' output file. The following is a list of POA related "keywords" which are written to this file, for every spectrum in the dataset being processed. The values are calculated when running 'poa_calfos'; as such they are a measure of the new re-calibration algorithm parameters/results/final offsets/etc. IMPORTANT NOTE: These keywords are not covered by STScI ICD-49 and may not be recognized by STScI IRAF/STSDAS software designed for analysis of FOS data. They have been checked against the current (15-Jul-2000) content of the STScI Calibration Data Base System (CDBS) keyword data base to avoid conflicts, but such conflicts may arise from unnoticed updates of ICD-49 and the corresponding Keyword Database (KWDB). NOTE ON FITS FORMAT: Ready processed data from the OTF CADC or STECF archives that wasrequested to be on ftp download, will be in FITS format with the exception of the rootname.poa file (which will be in ascii form). For processed data which was requested on FITS (only) tape, all files will be in FITS format. In this case, the root.poa.fits file (as well as any of the log.fits files) can be viewed with the following command: unix shell> cat root.poa.fits | fold -w80 | more
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