
FOS Documentation
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- These pages contain the most complete FOS document archive available.
This overview is taken from a poster prepared for the 2001 ADASS
conference in Victoria, Canada.
The latest versions of the handbooks (HST Data Handbook version
3.1 and FOS Instrument Hanbook Version 6.0) are available along
with recent updates. In addition, older versions (often conatining
material not reproduced in the later more concise editions) of both
are available.
Instrument Science Reports (ISRs)
- POA/FOS ISR's from the IPMG.
- All existing FOS ISR's are now available on-line here.
- A further list of IDT and other (mainly pre-launch) FOS reports
can be found here.
The POA group has recently scanned and made available a large quantity
of FOS technical documentation which was previously only available
in hard copy. Included are many documents which were found essential
for our POA investigations.
A listing of all FOS proposals organized by Principle Investigator.
Other FOS Papers
FOS Advisories
Includes advisories
dating back to March 1994.
Papers dealing with the FOS from the first three (1
- 2 - 3)
HST Calibration workshops.
A quick look at all things GIMPy!
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