FOS IDT Report RSDP/FOS-008 Special Oase Reductions - Polarimetry R. Allen 1988 January 24 Abstract Results of the FOS IDT tests of the RSDP POLARIMETRY reductions are presented here. Although there was little documentation describing the format of the spectropola.rimetric data files, it was eventually determined that the RSDP software expected a group image file with 18 elements. The software processed tbe group image by assuming that the element number corresponded directly to the rotationa.l position index of the wavepla.te used in making the observation. Three problems were discovered in the tests. The first two problems have been identified nnd require only minor modifications to the software. The third problem ja under investigation a.nd is caused by a call to a matrix inversion routine when the retardation ja exactly 180.0 degrees. Fortunately, none of these problems made it impossible to proceed with the tests. The results indica.te tha.t the basic implementation meets tbe specifications in SE-06. The indicated changes in the code must be implemeted and4 tested, however, before the POLARIMETRY mode reductions cnn be considered as tested and approved.