FOS IDT Report RSDP/FOS-005 Background Subtraction V. Junkkarinen 1987 January 5 Abstract The FOS RSDP software routines that perform background subtraction are tested by using da.ta files genera.ted to exercise the options a.vailable for background subtraction. These tests indicate that the software does correctly subtract a background a.rray in both the reference flle mode and in the mode in which a. separate ~Y-step containing the background is included in the observation. When a separate Y-step is included in the observation, the software properly filters the background arra.y prior to subtraction. Some detailed notes are included in this report to allow cornparison of these tests with tests of future releases of the software. lt is recommended that the softwaxe be modified to allow averaging the entire background Y-step to provide a global background countrate. This modifica.tion can be given bw priority since it is likely that not many FOS observations will have a separate Y-step to measure background.