FOS IDT Report RSDP/FOS004 Sky Subtraction R.Downes, D.Weistrop 1988 tiay 2 1. Introduction The algorithms which perform sky subtraction for FOS data in the Science Operations Ground System/Routine Science Data Processing Pipeline (SOGS/RSDP) was tested using the CALFOS prograzn running in the IRAF/SDAS environmeflt. All tests were performecl using synthetic data generated by the CONPSPEC and TSPECTRUM programs. The software, in all cases, produces the proper answers, although one problem in the system was uncovered. There is also at least one case in which the software satisfies the requiremerlts in DRDSOGSSE061 (hereafter SE06) hut does not perform in a scientifically valid inanner. This report describes the test procedures used to validate the RSDP algorithnts (Sec. II) and the results of those tests (Sec. IIIV). In Sec. VI we discuss the results, in which we Und that all aspect: of sky subtraction perform as specified in S~Q6. In Sec. VII we suinmarize our conclusions concerning the sky subtraction tests, and in Sec. VIII we discuss our values for the initial population of the Calibration Database.