FOS IDT Report RSDP/FOS-003 Conversion to Absolute Flux Units D. Lindler, R. Bohuin 1987 September 3 The FOS RSDP conversion to absolute flux units are tested using the input data (Figure 1) with an exposure time of 0.5 seconds. The standard quarter stepped FOS spectrum with an overscan of 5 diodes is used. RSDP conversion to flux units, given in SE-06 is a point by point multiplication of the count rate vector by an inverse sensitivity vector of the same length. The inverse sensitivity vector is selected for the given detector, dispenser, polarizer mode, and aperture. Tbe following steps in the RSDP processing were performed in testing the conversion to flux units. 1. Conversiou to count rates 2. Background subtraction (a default background of 100 counts/sec was used for testing purposes. This background allowed testing of the treatment of negative net flux values) 3. Conversion to fiux units 4. Error computation The inverse sensitivity curve used for testing is shown in Figure 2 and has values typical of the FOS inverse sensitivity. Results ofthe RSDP (Figure 3) were to the duplicate processing done using FOS IDT software. Differences in the RSDP and IDT results for both the flux and error vector were negligible (less than 1 part in i0~) and can be attributed to computer round off errors. Conclusions: 1. RSDP correctly multiplied one vector with another, or in other words; 2. Conversion to flux units and error propagation through the conversation 1s being properly performed by RSDP.