FOS IDT Report RSDP/FOS-002 Standard Case Reductions - Count to Countrate Conversion V. Junkkarinen 1987 September 16 Abstract Resuits of tests of the SOGS/RSDP software that converts raw FOS data (photon counts) to countrates (photons/second) are presented. These are tests of portions of the software that can be run using the command CALFOS. All of the tests reported here were performed with synthetic data (i.e. data. produced by special software as opposed to data produced by the FOS followed by initial processing to reformat the data and header parameters.) These tests indicate that the RSDP software correctly calculates a countrate array and an associated error array (when the number of photons detected is greater than zero) and properly uses the observational parameters for the data format that will probably be used most often. Some details of the testing process are given as weil as information that will allow these tests to be repeated to check future releases of the software.