FOS ISR 150 FOS Spectropolarimetry A. Storrs, A. Koratkar, C. Keyes, H. Bushouse, M. De La Peņa, and R. Allen May 1998 Abstract This is the comprehensive closeout ISR on FOS spectropolarimetry. The various sections of this document contain the detailed theory of spectropolarimetry with the FOS, including the correction for COSTAR-induced polarization, a discussion of the format of the FOS polarimetry files, a description of how to manipulate the data with the STSDAS spec_polar package, and a discussion of the accuracy of the calibration, which at the 1s level is about 0.3 percent for linear polarization pre-COSTAR and 0.5 percent post-COSTAR. How the post- COSTAR polarization files (PCP files) are made and how the recalibration of archived data has been conducted, as well as a summary of general conclusions are also presented. An appendix containing the IRAF script used in producing the PCP files is included for completeness.