Correction to FOS Fiat Field Reference Files Guide (CALIFOS-090) A. KINNEY SIB Cynthia J. Taylor Space Telescope Science Institute June 1993 Two typographical errors were found in the matrix of FOS fiat held reference files. The corrected matrix is enclosed. The first error is in Table 1. The entry for detector = RED, grating = H19, aperture = A-1 (43), USE_AFTER = 19911114 should read d1c1044hy.r1h,~1d rather than dlclO44qy.rlh. The incorrect entry was a reference file for the A-2 (0.5 pair). aper....pos = LOWER setting. The second error is in Table 6 (redside polarimetry fiats for H40- Pol A). The PASS 1 files should be 94616585y.rlh, .rld and the PASS 2 files should be 9baO95Ssy.rlh,.rld“. The incorrect files, 9461658by.rlh and 9ba09588y.rlh. were appropriate for FOS/RLUE. Finally, to make the rootnames in the tahles more legible, the letter 1 has italicized (-1-) in Postscript versions of the report and capitalized (L) in ASCII versions found on STEIS. This correction notice is posted on STEtS in instrument_newslfos directory as and fiat_held_tables...apr93_correction.asc. Note that SIElS version of CAL/FOS 90 and paper copies available from SIIB secretary, have been updated to refiect these changes as of June 10, 1993.