LAB TEST RESULTS FOR THE FOS DETECTOR PERFORMANcE IN A VARIABLE EXTERNAL MAGNETIC FIELD E. A. Beaver and P. Foster University of California, San Diego Instrument Science Report CAL/FOS-082 August 1992 Abstract Using lab test results from spare FO8 Digicon detectors, we have extended the rnodel for the expected behavior of the FQS detectors in an external magnetic field to account for anomalies seen in the 8V FO8 detector test proposal ET3138. Our lab measurements on the spare FOS Blue detector shows higli sensitivity to external rnagnetic fields of 167 tnicrons per gauss. This over sensitivity to external magnetic fields is similar to that for the orbiting Red detector of 147 m~crons per gauss. A study of the fabrication history of the FQS detector build shows that this spare Blue detector magnetics is from the same 1985 vintage as is the orbital FOS Red detector niagnetics. Further we find from our laU nleasurements tliat the FQ8 detector‘s susceptability to image displacement by external magnetic fields is strongly affected by FOS degaussing activity. The amount of image shift caused by & degauss is proportional to the difference in the external magnetic field that has o ccurred since the previous degauss. For the spare FOS Blue detector, the proportionality constant is 61 microns per gauss. The sign of image shift caused by an FOS degauss is opposite to the direction of the external magnetic field change between the degausses. This results in an apparent detector external field sensitivity factor of 106 microns/gauss with degaussing hefore each positional measurement for the FOS spare Blue detector. Tliis new understanding of the FQ8 geomagnetic image niotion phenomena should allow the optimal removal of the effect from FO8 data. Also our lab test results show that the GHRS degauss is considerably more effective than the EOS degauss procedure in suppressing tbe Digicon Detector‘s past magnetic history.