FOS IDT REPORT CAL/FOS-078 FOS POLARIMETRY CALIBRATIONS Richard G. Allen and Paul S. Sinith March 1, 1992 Abstract Ground-based calibrations of the FOS polarizer were performed at the Martin Marietta Company in Denver, Colorado in 1983 and 1984 and at the Lockheed Missiles and Space Company in Sunnyvale, California in 1988. The required SV/OV calibrations have now been completed as weil, and the poiarizer is being routinely scheduled for astronomical observations. Since the orbital calibrations have shown that the polarizer can be used effectively with the 4.3-arcsec A-1 target acquisitiou aperture, the overall efficiency of the polarizer is only slightly degraded by the poor imaging of the HST. The geomagnetic image motion problem of the red Digicon, however, precludes the use of the A-side of the instrument for polarimetry a.t the present time. Observations should thus be taken on the B-side with the 4.3-arcsec A-1 target acquisition aperture whenever possible. When better background rejection is needed or higher spectral resolution is required, tbe polarizer can be used with the 1.O-arcsec B-3 circular aperture. Calibrated observations can be taken in the wavelength range 1280-3310 Ä with the B-waveplate and gratings H13, H19, and H27.