SCATTERED LIGHT CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE FAINT OBJECT SPECTROGRAPH (SV #1319) F. Bartko, Bartko Science & Technology G. Burks, University of Colorado, CASA G. Kriss and A. Davidsen, Johns Hopkins Univer3ity R. Cohen, V. Junkkarinen, R. Lyons, Univer~ity of California, San Diego, CASS Instrument Science Report CAL/FOS-073 April, 1992 Abstract Observations of a standard star (BD+75D325) have been used to measure tbe Hubble Space Telescope (HST)/ Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS) scattering characteristics in the wavelength rauge 115 to 250 nin. Spectra of the standard star were obtained as the star was progressively offset from the optical line of sight axis of the telescope, both in the in-dispersion aud cross-dispersion directions. These data have been reduced and analyzed to deterrnine the scattering function of the telescope-spectrograph combination. Two primary results have been obtained. (1) The resulting scattering function exhibits three characteristjcs: (a) The inner core (theta < 4") is domiuated by the large PSF of the HST; (b) the outer wings of the scattering function (4" < theta < 32") show a theta dependence consistent with predictions tor the liST Airy disc; and (c) The wavelength dependence of this scattering function follows approximately 1/lambda, suggesting that the UV rnicro roughness contribution to the scatter is quite srnall, and hence the liST prinrnry rrlirror is very smooth at ultraviolet wavelengths. (2) The FOS scattering contribution is limited only by grating scatter, amt is consistent with pre-launch grating calibration measurements. As a result, both the scatter contribution from the HST mirror surface micro roughness aiid tue FOS gratings appear to be within their design specifications. We also describe the implications of these results tor EOS on achieving its limiting performance for c.ertaiu typical observations.