Instrument Science Report CAL/FOS-069 "FOS Red Detector Flat-field and Sensitivity Degradation" November 1991 By: George Hartig Abstract excerpted from the report: Significant degredation of the efficiency and fixed pattern noise charac- teristics of the FOS Red Digicon in an approximately 200A-wide band centered at about 1950A has been detected in observations spanning 10 months. The drop in effciency amounts to about 10% at the center of the band and the strength of apparent absorption features, with typical widths of 5-10 diodes, has increased in by up to 15% between Dec 1990 and Sept 1991. No such degra- dation is observed on the Blue detector. The effect may be due to the devel- opment of color centers in the fused silica faceplate of the Red detector due to the radiation environment of the HST spacecraft. A lab test to confirm this hypothesis and a calibration program to monitor the development of the effect have been ititiated. For more information, please contact the above author.