In-Flight FOS Wavelength Calibration Ternplate Spectra G. A. Kriss, W. P. Blair, and A. F. Davidsen The Johns Hopkins Univer.sity Instrument Science Report CAL/FQS-067 February 1991 Abstract In August and October 1900 FOS spectra of the internal Pt-Cr-Ne calibration lamps were obtained with the red and blue detectors respectively, througb a set of paired apertures (the 0.1 and 0.25) and through the centered 0.3 circular aperture. These spectra give the initial dispersion solutions for the FOS gratings and prisms, and they will serve as reference template spectra for future calibrations. The wavelength solutions show shifts of less than two diodes from pre-fiight calibrations on the blue side and less than three diodes on the red side. Root-mean-square residuals are typical of those found from the ground calibration data.