ISR 066 : Geomagnetic Image Deflection Problem in the Faint Object Spectrograph Junkkarinen, V. T., Beaver, E.A., Cohen, R. D., Hier, R., Lyons, R., Rosenblatt, E. In orbit HST Data taken with the red Digicon detector of the FOS show an image drift correlated with the Earth's magnetic field. This drift occurs because the mu-metal magnetic shield around the detector does not shield properly. The amplitude of the drift for a typical orbit is roughly equal to the spectral resolution of the FOS. For data taken every minute or two, resampling and shifting can be used to remove most of the drift in the spectral direction. The drift will compromise accuracy at high signal to noise ratiosbecause the edge of the image apperture can drift beyond the edge of the image array in the direction perpendicular to the dispersion. The microprocessor in the FOS can be reprogrammed to counter the drift by changing the deflection current on a timescale of one minute or less. In orbit data from the blue digicon show some drift that does not correlate well with the magnetic field. The blue digicon mu-metal shield works better than the red side shield by an factor of ~3.