LONG TERM FOS CALIBRATION PLAN: CYCLE 1 CAL/FOS-062 A.L. Kiriney and G.F. Hartig August, 1989 INTRODUCTION The Fa.int Object SpecLrograph is one of the two most requested ST instruments. Out of & total of 1581.5 bours of requests in high priority accepted GO programs, there were requests for 478 hours of FOS time, utilizing most of the vaiid instrument modes and conflgurations. (FOS is running a. dose second to WF/PC, which was requested for 590 hours.) lt is clear that the long term a.nd steady state calibration of FOS will involve a major cornrnitment of telescope time. The plan presented here includes all the calibrations that we think are necessary for ma.inta.ining the level of calibration achieved after Science Verification (5V) plus fundamental caiibrations which were not done in SV due to time constraints. They are prioritized according to the importance of the calibration. Tbis plan requires 74.2 hours of spacecraft Lime; 42.1 for ma.intaixiing the accuracies achieved in SV, and 32.1 hours for extending the calibrations performed in SV.