FOS Filter-Grating Wheel Repeatabillty: Dependence on Motor Selection George Ha.rtig Space Telescope Science Institute Instrument Science Report CAL/FOS060 May 1989 Abstract Tlie repeata.bility of the FOS Filter-Gra.ting Wheel (FGW) was measured in a series of special tests a.t LMSC on 11-12 Ma.y 1989, aimed at evalustixig the effects of motor selection on tlie FGW performance. Mea.surements were made of the repea.ta.bility in botb X sud Y at the caxnera mirror position. on both red sud blue sides, with the standard motor selections, a.nd in X for 7 dispersers on uide, with ea.cb motor. The FGW repea.ta.bility wa.s fouud to be siguifica.ntly degraded, by about a fa.ctor of 2, when the A motor ii used, a.s to mea.surements made with the B motor selected, on both sides of the spectrograph. With the B motor, the FGW repeata.bility rema.ins somewhat uusa.tisfa.ctory, but no evidence for performan.ce degradation with time or usage is present. The B motor sbould always be selected, regardless of which detector is in use, contrary to current procedure. The cause of the reduced repeatability with the A motor, sud other effects seen prominently in the data., remain uxiexpla.ined.