Scattered Red Light in the FOS W. P. Blair, A. F. Davidsen, and A. Uomoto The Johns Ifopkins Universiiy DRAFT Instrument Science Report CAL/FOS058 DRAFT Eebruary 1989 ABSTRACT Continuum laxnp observations have been used to determiue the fraction of iricident long-wavelength photons scattered into the ultraviolet bearn by the. FOS dispersers. Except for the relatively unh4~e1y conbination of the G16OL grating and red Digicon, the gratings sho.w acceptable scattered light level~of ~bøut OÄJ2% ofthe peak red light intensity. Observatipns with the: pr-ism indicate a potentially high suscepctihty to scattered red light (up to 1%), although the test exposures were heavily overexposed and thi~ nurnber is. highly uncertain.