RESULTS OF TESTS RELATED TO TARGET ACQUISITION, MARCH-AUGUST, 1988 A. L. Kinney FEBRUARY, 1989 CAL/FOS-052 ABSTRACT Severai tests rela.ted to target acqu.isition were ca.rried out nt LMSO in Ma.rch and August of this year. These concerned the sensitivity of the interstices of the diodes a.nd relative aperture location when illuminated by die TA LEDs compared to their location when illuminated by the Ambient ST Optical Simulator (ASTOS). The interstices were found to have effectively half die sensitivity of the diode. them.elves when illuminated with n. spot of approximately 14 ~. The aperture images rema.ined in the same position on the blue side when illunünated by the TA LED. sud by the AST OS. However, on the red side the aperture position was different by about 12 microns in Y (perpendicular to the diode array) when illuminated by the ASTOS in compa.rison to the position when illuminated by the TA LED.. Th. difference in position must be removed when offsetting to FOS aperture. after perforn3ing an LED aperture acquisition, since the shift is compnrable to the size of the A4 (14 ~s) a.perture image. The apertures were illuminated by the LEDs sud mapped. Reconimendations for exposure times for aperture acquisitions arc made based on the counts in these maps.