DISCRLMINATOR SETTINGS R. D. Cohen and E. A. Beaver University of California,- San Diego Instrument Science Report CAL/FOS-050 May 25, 1990 1. [ntroduction During the period 23-26 February 1988, tests to determine the settings for the discriminator digital to analog converters (disc DACs) of the Red (F12) and Blue (F7) detectors were performed at LMSC. The function of the discrimina.tors is to set a minimum size for an output pulse to be counted as a detected photon. As most pulses caused by fluctuations in the preamps (potentially the dominent source of noise) are small; with a. gaussian distribution, the discriminators can be set to pass virtua.lly all real counts, while blocking virtually all pulses due to electron rioise in the prea.mps. By illuminating the detectors and varying the discriminator settings we ca.n determine an integrated pulse heigbt distribution, the distribution of all pulses greater than a given threshold value, set by the discriminator. The discrimina.tor setting for a given cha.nnel is the product of the discrirninator reference DAC (REFDAC), which is common to all channels and the individual disc DAC setting. These individual disc DAC settings have been prograxnmed into a PROM. The PROM setting cannot be changed, but can be overridden by command. Changing a disc DAG setting during actual FOS spaceflight operations requires three FOS serial magnitude commands corresponding to 9 NSSC1 words. These commands arc required whenever an FOS detector is turned on from hold mode or reset. This report details the status of the discriminator settings and noisy a.nd dea.d channels during calibration and alignment and documents the process whereby various changes were made in discriminator settings. Other reports update this, based on the results of later tests (CAL/FOS-51 and CAL/FOS-64). The data in this report come from tapes labeled (at UCSD) 1075 and 1077.