WAYELENGTH OFFSETS AMONG INTERNAt LAMPS AND EXTERNAL SOURCES M. SIRK and R. BOHLIN SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Instrument Science Report CAL/FOS—041 April 1987 A bstract Qffsets between spectral features from the internal direct PtCrNe and an external PtCrNe calibration lamp are determined from G270H spectra for both Digicons and show an offset of less than 0.1 diode on the blue side and a non-constant offset with a range of 0.35 diode on the red side. Otfsets between the crossstrapped and direct internal lampe vary with wavelength over a range of about 0.2 diode on both eides. There is evidence that the amount of offset as a function of wavelength is independent of the choice of apertures. A calibration test procedure to establish tlie repeatability of the internal/external offsets as a function of diode number for all dispersers is outlined in § IV. II these offsets repeat and can be reliably calibrated, tbe accuracy of FOS wavelength scales should be an order of magnitude better, in the range of 0.03 diode.