RESULTS OF TARGET ACQUISITION TESTS; FEBRUARY, 1987 March, 1987 CAL/FOS-040 A. L. Klnney ABSTRACT FOS Binary Sea.rcb and Firmware Tazget Acquisition was tested under tbe newest (3.9) version of flight software at LMSC. All cotrections of the previous version of flight software TA were verified, and no new bug. ware discovered. The ta.rget acquisitions were simulated by illumina.ting the science apertures with the blue LED~ in the same way that aperture acquisitions will be done in flight. The largest errors were 16% of the a.perture elze in the Y direction, and about 30% of the aperture size in X. These errors are due to the non-uniformity of the illuznination from the LED., and the large size of the ecience aperturee, and arc satisfactory.