FOS Entrance Aperture Transinittance for Point Sources George Hartig SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Instrument Science Report CAL/FOS 039 November 1986 1 have performed a calculation, for each of the FOS apertures, of the throughput efficiency, i.e. the fraction of ligbt incident on the OTA focal plane from a potnt source that is passed by the aperture (with the image centered on the aperture) - Defined as such, these efliciencies do not include the losses due to primary and secondary mirror reflectivity and dust scattering, nor do they account for the losses due to diffraction of light to points outside the collimator radius by the smaller apertures. Included are: OTA mirror wavefront error (at high, middle arid bw spatial frequencies) per PE metrology, pointing jitter (.007 arcsec, RMS), astigmatism at the 3.6 arcmin off-axis distance of the FOS apertures, nominal FOS aperture geometry and dimensions, and the effective limitation of the large aperture heights by the 1.43 arcsec diode height. Although lab measurements of the aperture sizes show some variations from the nominal areas, especially in the case of the A4 lower aperture on the red side, these rnea.surements are affected by diffraction losses at the collimator and yield no information concerning the actual shapes of the apertures (see CAL/FOS-019). The calculations were performed using a program originally devised by D. Schroeder (Beloit College) and adapted by Chris Burrows (STScI), who also provided the astigmatism correction information. The output of this program, which computes the encircled energy within a given radius, was used to nurrterically integrate the OTA PSE over the clear aperture areas to obtain the efficiency estimates.