FOS WAVELENGTH SCALE BELOW THE CALIBRATION LAMP CUTOFF AT 1239k (Lab oratory Calibration Plan 1 SB) M. SIRK and R. BOHLIN SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Instrument Science Report CAL/FOS 038 October 1986 Ab8tract Since the FOS internal PtCr--Ne calibration lamps no useful emission lines below 1239k, the standard wavelength calibration at the shortest wavelengths around 1150k is uncertain by about 10 times the typical error at longer wa.velengths. A new technique is developed to extend the calibrations down to the blue Digicon cutoff at 1150k for gratings G13OH and G16OL. Estimated uncertainties at 1150k 0.14k (37 km ~1) for G130H and i.ok (260 km s1) for G160L, while the corresponding uncertainties at La (1216k) are 0.068k (17 km ~1) and 0.8k (200 km ~1), respectively. This is an improvement of up to a __ factor of 2 for G13OH and up to a factor of 5 for G16OL. However, the above errors at iisok are still worse tban the typical RMS error found a.t longer wavelengths by about a factor of 5. At La the uncertainty is only about 3 times the RMS sca.tter at tbe longer wavelengths. Features on the G18OL calibration spectrum have been assigned new vacuum wavelengths by determining line centers of features on higb resolution FOS spectra that are smoothed to tbe G16OL resolution.