TV Monitoring of the F8 Detector Red Sensitivity (Test Segment YMONTHLY) George Hartig SPA CE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Instrument Science Report CAL/FOS—036 August 1986 Abstract Spectra obta.ined with the G780H gra.ting and the internal cross-strapped calibra.tion lamp indicate tliat the red sensitivity of tbe F8 detector is not stable and may be dependent on its temperature history. Compaxison of pre-TV spectra with similar data obtained in December 1985 show a wavelength dependent drop of 40% at 7400k and < 10% at 6300k, but spectra obtained after the detector ha.d been operated for some time in the relatively cold ( 5 C) TV environment indicate a return of the red response to a.bout the December 1985 values. An additional measurement in August 1986, after the FOS sat in ainbient conditions for about 7 weeks following TV, shows a recurrence of the red response degradation.