SPACE INSTRLMENT SCIENCE REPORT TELESCOPE SCJENCE INSTFFUTE AN AUTOMATED METHOD FOR COMPTJTING XBSOLUTE INSTRUMENTAL SENSITIVITY TITLE; CURVES FOR FOS: RESULTS OF TESTING WITH IUE SPECTRA 0. Lindlar and R. Bohlin August 1986 A method for cornputing inverse sensitivity curves for the Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS) is investigated by deriving the calibration of the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE). The rnethod involves a progressive polynomial fitting technique, which will generate a smooth sensitivity curve from the raw ratio ot the flux in the standard star spectrurn to the counts per sec in the observed spectrum. The t1smoothness“ of the Eitted curves are eornparable to the present IUE sensitivity curves, which were created by manually drawing a curve through the raw data.