FOS WAVELENGTH CALIBRATION EXPOSURE TJIMES (Laboratory Calibration Plan 1SG) R. BOHLIN and M. SJIRK SPACE TEL ESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Instrument Science Report CAL/FOS028 April 1986 The FOS wavelength calibra.tion .trategy is based on refereuce template spectra for the smallest apertures (Sirk and Bohlin 1986a and 1986b). The most accurate wa.velength scales for the larger apertures are obta.ined by cross-correlating the internal Pt-Ne-Cr lamp spectra from the larger a.perture with the sma.Il aperture template spectrum after the later is broadened by the appropriate aperture width. The recoramended exposure times for the sma.ll aperture templa.te spectra. are in Table 1. These spectra need to be obtained infrequently throughout the mission. The exposure times in seconds and the sum of the time for ea.cb quarter step of the standard Operating mode. To do both apertures of a pair, double the listed time. The exposure durations are ba.sed on the requirement to obtain about 30000 counts in the peaks of the brightest lines. This criterion provides sufficient number of lines above the faint line threshold of 300 total counts to ensure accurate wavelengtb calibrations. In the case of tbe 0.1-Pair of apertures on the red side, the lower aperture is 1.7 times larger tban the upper aperture, so that peak counts may exceed 50,000 in the lower 0.1 aperture.