CAL/FOS027 FIRMWARE TARGET ACQUISITION A.L. KINNEY and R.G. 111ER June, 1986 ABSTRACT The firmware target acquisition (TA) mapu out a portion of the 4.3 x 4.3 aperture, filters the data, flnds a peak witbin a given brightness window, and loca.tes the center in X and Y of the peak. The data acquisition, filtering, a.nd finding of peaks ii described in detail. Firmware acquisition haa been deuigned to be flexible, with both user determined parameters and internai pa.rameters. The user determined pa.rameters are in Table 1 a.nd 2; the interne.l parameters, which cen be changed but arc not in general meant to be changed, in Table 3. Defaults for these para.meterm are given. The serial engineering data returned by the firmware ca.n be Seen in Table 4. One very efflcient way to use the target acquisition ii to flrstperform a coarse grid in Y a.nd locate the ta.rget, then perform a flne grid in the area a.round the te.rget. Thia mode of operation im .ketched out at the end md parameter vuiues arc suggested.