SPACE INSTRUMENT SCIENCE REPORT TELESCOPE CAL / FOS -024 SCIENGE INSTITUTE TITLE: Results of Blnary Search ¶rarget Acguisition Tests of Augustffi9S5~ AIfl7HOR: A.L. Kinney and H.C. Ford DATE:_26 November 1985 ABSTRACT The binary search target acquisition tests at Lockheed Missiles and Space Company were run under the new fliqht software, version 3.6. The final run of the TA tests was cornpletely successful, with the target pJ.aced on the Y edge of the aperture when it was appropriate, and with the software bränching when it was appropriate. The correct po~itions are found to within ±2vi in X and Y for a source with counts of about 1500. Considering that the dimension of the smallest FOS aperture (0~1), is 14~ in the image plane, this is a very acceptable accuracy.