LOCATING SPECTRA ON THE FOS DK~ICONS AND THE PHOTOMETRIC CONSEQUENCES OF ERRORS IN POSITION J. WHEATLEY and R. BOHLIN SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Instrument Science Report CAL/FOS022 October, 1985 1. Inroduction The optimum method of determining the locations and orientations of FOS spectra on the two-dimensional Digicon photocathodes is investigated. Tbe Y-center of a spectrum as a function of diode number deviates from linea.rity by up to 15 microns because of small distortions in the magnetic focusing fields in the Digicons. In addition, the spectra a.re rotated by sma.ll angles (typically O.~O5 for the high resolution gratings) with respect to the diode array. This report presents all spectral position and orientation measurements since the replacement of the Digicons in the second quarter of 1984. Average shifts in spectral position are computed between calibratious at different temperatures a.nd a.t different Digicon voltages. The photometrie effect of errors in Y-position could not be determined directly to better than 5 percent from tbe observed Pt-Cr-Ne emission line speetra.. However, the light loss caused by an incorrect Y-center ca.n be modeled using the mea.n. point source eross-sections a.nd the mean loci of Y-centers. Exa.mples of observed light loss curves derived from high signal-to-noise external Tung.ten lamp continuum spectra a.re presented. These results will provide a useful cbeck on the .ubsequent modeling.