INSTRUMENT SCIENCE REPORT SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENGE INSTITUTE TITLE: FOS ENTRANCE APERTURE SIZES (CALIBRATION PLAN 10B) AUTHOR: D. J. Linder, R.C. Bohlin & G. F. Hartig DATE: July, 1985 Abstract * The sizes of 22 FOS entrance apertures are measured directly with a microscope, and the light transmittance is measured with the aperture map technique. The light transinittance is determined by the area of an aperture, so the aperture map results can be compared with areas measured with the microscope. Results show that the areas measured from the aperture maps are consistent with the areas measured by microscope for the larger apertures. As the aperture size decreases the area measured by the aperture map deviates further from the microscope area, reaching 31% for the 0.1 arcsec aperture. This indicates the deviations may be due to diffraction of light through the smaller apertures. Future analysis of aperture sizes versus wavelengths will verify the diffraction effects.