INSTRUMENT SCIENCE REPORT CAL/FOS-006 SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENGE INSTITUTE TITLE: FOS Flat Field Calibration. (FOS Calibration #15) AUTHOR: D. Lindler and R. Bohlin DATE: March 1984 ABSTRAC: The FOS photocathodes have a granuiarity of less than one percent. Eleven blemishes, with sensitivity variatjons greater than 5 percent, were found on the red tube in regions illuminated by aperture A3. One blemish is a hat spot and has an increased sensitivity of approximately 10%. ~Vhe spatial extent of the blemishes in the direction of the diode array range from 50 to 250 microns. No data was available for the blue tube in air becauge of schedule constraints. In vacuum, only a minimal amount of data was obtained from the one functioning Quantatec lamp (Krypton).