Joint GHRS/FOS Instrument Science Report (= GHRS Instrument Science Report 66) July 1994 Comparison of the Low-Resolution Mode of the GHRS and the High-Resolution Modes of tbe FOS Claus Leitherer and Anne Kinney Abstract. The waveleiigth region betweexi 1150 Ä and 1900 Ä can be observed with the GHRS and the FOS with similar spectral resolution. The advantages of using either the GHRS with tlie G14OL grating or the FOS with the G13OH aud G19011 gratings are discussed. We address instrumental overheads, target acqlnsitiolls, sensiti~rity, scattered light, wavelen.gth coverage, aperture sizes, and spectral resolution. In general, if observations at wavelengtlis below 1500 Ä are the prime scientifk goal, tlie GHRS is more sensitive and bas better spectral resolution. At longer wavelengths, the FOS will give better scientific return.