NEW OUTPUT FILE Running 'poa_calfos' will produce a '.poa' output file. The following is a list of POA related "keywords" keywords which are written to this file, for every spectrum in the dataset being processed. The values are calculated when running 'poa_calfos'; as such they are a measure of the new re-calibration algorithm parameters/results/final offsets/etc. Please read the OFF_CORR section below for information on how these keywords are used to make the POA GIMP correction. The format of the '.poa' file is as follows: FOS_MODE_NAME_ABBREVIATED= SPECTRAL_NUM, KEYWORD= VALUE For example: SPECT= 1, MIDTIMP= 50469.157141902 SPECT= 1, POAXP= 753.074 ... SPECT= 2, OFF_DIOD= -2.116 SPECT= 2, OFF_PIX= -2 Here is a list of the POA KEYWORDS in the '.poa' output file: Epoch of midpoint of integration: MIDTIMP Unit:MJD Greenwich Mean Sideral Time: GMSTP Unit:HRS Geocentric Longitude: GLNGP Unit:DEG Geocentric Latitude: GLATP Unit:DEG Dipole Magnetic Longitude: MLNGP Unit:DEG Dipole Magnetic Latitude: MLATP Unit:DEG Associated IGMF Magnetic Longitude: ALNGP Unit:DEG Associated IGMF Magnetic Latitude: ALATP Unit:DEG Geomagnetic Shell Parameter: LSHP Unit: Position in orbit at MIDTIMP epoch: POAXP Unit:km POAYP Unit:km POAZP Unit:km Velocity in orbit at MIDTIMP epoch: VXP Unit:km/s VYP Unit:km/s VZP Unit:km/s Geomagnetic model (North, East, Down): BNP Unit:Gauss BEP Unit:Gauss BDP Unit:Gauss Magnetic field in magnetometer coordinates: BV1P Unit:Gauss BV2P Unit:Gauss BV3P Unit:Gauss Magnetic field in detector coordinates: BDXP Unit:Gauss BDYP Unit:Gauss BDZP Unit:Gauss YGMP scale factors: YGMPXSCL Unit:pix/Gauss YGMPYSCL Unit:diode/Gauss GIMP related offsets: YOFFXP Unit:pix YOFFYP Unit:diode height Reference YBASE of wavelength calibration: YYBASE0 Unit:ybases Delta Ybase X scale factor: YYBSXSCL Unit:pix/ybases Mean temperature: YMEANTMP Unit:deg(C) Temperature X scale factor: YTMPXSCL Unit:pix/deg(C) Aperture/Grating/Mode specific zero point: YAPGRTX0 Unit:pix Velocity components in detector coordinates: PVX Unit:km/sec PVY Unit:km/sec PVZ Unit:km/sec POA GIMP shift correction in X: OFF_DIOD Unit:diodes OFF_PIX Unit:pix