STPOA -- An IRAF package of Utilities developed by the Post Operational Archive Project at the ST-ECF Anastasia Alexov, Paul Bristow, Florian Kerber, Michael Rosa July 2000 - release V1.0 May 2001 - release V1.1 Aug 2001 - release V1.2 Nov 2001 - release V1.2.1 Feb 2002 - release V1.2.2 We are releasing minor changes to the "final" calibration tools for the Post Operation Archive (POA) of the Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS), developed as Iraf tasks at the Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility (ST-ECF) into an Iraf package called "stpoa". This package currently contains only calibration software for the FOS and will in the future contain other HST post operational instrument calibration software. The package may be down-loaded from and online help is available from the same place. Binaries are also available for down-load for Solaris 2.6. Note that this package has been built successfully on Solaris, and will probably do so on other architectures although this isn't guaranteed. After the Revision Notes, you will find installation instructions. *************************************************************************** Revision Notes: First release (V1.0) July 2000. V1.0 - Binaries for ssun and instructions made available. Second release (V1.1) May 2001. V1.1 - Added POA corrected calibration flat fields to the release. - Added a new wavelength calibration reference table with 10 coeff's per correction; added new wavelength algorithms for modes with a POA correction. - Added functionality to POA pre-processor to update the header for FOS data that fit the POA processing criteria. - Added functionality to POA all-processor to find out if the data fit the POA processing criteria; if not, then to run 'calfos' instead of 'poa_calfos'. - Fixed bugs with velocity calculations; typos. - Added new output ascii file which describes the POA corrections via "header keyword" per spectrum. - Removed updates of POA group header keywords, since this technique was replaced by the new ascii output file. Third release (V1.2) August 2001 ["final" release of POA FOS]. V1.2 - All new and updated calibration reference files have been standardized under CDBS (uniq names and header content). The user should not be affected by this change. The pipeline can be run using either the internal or external (CDBS) versions of the POA reference files. - POA pre-COSTAR flats have been derived for the first time. - Wavelength coefficients have been changed to only include solutions for POA criteria data; otherwise, old 'calfos' values are used. - Dark/Background scaling has been changed so that it is now a function of the magnetic L-shell parameter at the position of the telescope when the data were taken. - SPECTROSCOPY mode dark correction was changed to accommodate the ACCUM data; this is a bug fix from the 'calfos' software. - Added new tool called "pfos_pix2wav" which calculates the wavelength positions from a table of FOS pixel positions. - Added capabilities to 'poa_procfos_all' in being able to run on a list of FOS rootnames. - Error status propogation was added to places where it was missing or not working ('calfos' bug fixes). - Wavelegnth calibration tables were updated to include UPPER/LOWER values (matching SINGLE); table values for PRISM were set back to the 'calfos' values. Fourth release (V1.2.1) November 2001 [minor changes to "final" POA FOS]. V1.2.1 - Bug fixes were done for Dec Alpha compilation problems. - Six more POA re-processed flatfields were added; these were mistakenly missed in the previous releases. - The tool 'pfos_pix2wav' was updated; sub-pixel corrections can now be made for input pixel positions; wavelengths can even be calculated for IMAGE mode data. - The POA sample data repository was updated with more example data files. - The scattered light correction has been turned off for all cases in the poa_calfos pipeline. - Bug fix: If WAV_CORR was turned off, then none of the flux calibration corrections could be performed; they are now being turned off as well. - POA dispersion coeff reference table (ccs6) was updated with changes to the H40 coeffs which were more accurate after more scientific verification was performed. - The task 'pfos_dispfit' was added as a new POA FOS tool; it is used to obtain dispersion coefficients for FOS ccs6 reference file. Fifth release (V1.2.2) February 2002 [minor changes to "final" POA FOS]. V1.2.2 - The scattered light correction switch is now being turned off using the POA FOS pre-processor script instead the pipeline itself; even though no POA processing will perform the scattered light correction, we've left the possibility of allowing the user to switch the correction on in the POA pipeline. - V1.2.1 set the flux calibration corrections to OMIT if WAV_CORR was turned off; however, these flux corrections should have been set to SKIPPED; this has now been fixed. - 15 POA flatfield reference file headers have been updated in order to be CDBS compliant (USEAFTER - changed format, DESCRIP - added, PEDIGREE - added) - Renamed 'poa_procfos_all' task to 'processfos'. *************************************************************************** To install this package in your local IRAF system, take the following steps: 0) Make sure that you have the STSDAS and TABLES packages from STScI installed on your system if you want to build the STPOA package from source. 1) The package is distributed as compressed tar archives. The tar archives may be down-loaded from the above URL. To obtain the package via ftp (assuming a UNIX/LINUX Operating System): % ftp login: anonymous password: [your user name] ftp> cd /pub/stpoa ftp> binary ftp> get stpoa-v1.2.1.tar.Z ... [ option to download Solaris 2.6 binaries: ftp> get stpoa-v1.2.1-bin.ssun.tar.Z ] ftp> quit 2) Create a directory to contain the STPOA external package files. This directory should be outside the IRAF directory tree and must be owned by the IRAF account. In the following examples, this root directory is named /stpoa. Make the appropriate file name substitutions for your site. A personal installation is also possible in which case the definitions will go into a personal file such as rather than the system extern.pkg. 3) Log in as user IRAF and edit the extern.pkg file in the $iraf/unix/hlib directory to define the package to the CL. From the IRAF account, outside the CL, you can move to this directory with the command: % cd $hlib Define the environment variable stpoa to be the pathname to the stpoa root directory. UNIX pathnames must be terminated with a '/'. Edit extern.pkg to include: reset stpoa = task stpoa.pkg = stpoa$ Near the end of the $hlib/extern.pkg file, update the definition of helpdb so it includes the stpoa help database, copying the syntax already used in the string. Add this line before the line containing a closing quote: ,stpoa$lib/helpdb.mip\ 4) (Optional) Add to $hlib/ the package description: stpoa - STPOA utilities package from ESO/ST-ECF POA Group 5) Unpack the tar file into the STPOA root directory. On a UNIX system, where ftpdir is the pathname of the directory into which the package was ftp'ed and stpoa is the STPOA root directory: % cd $stpoa % zcat $ftpdir/stpoa-v1.2.1.tar.Z | tar xvf - The archive file can be deleted once the package has been successfully installed. At this stage you can either install binaries which are available from the web pages for some architectures or alternatively build the package from source. First the binaries option: 6a) If you have not done so already, download the appropriate compressed tar file from the same place. The naming convention is stpoa-v1.2.1-bin.{arch}.tar.Z - eg, stpoa-v1.2.1-bin.ssun.tar.Z for Solaris. 7a) Expand the compressed file in the "stpoa" package top-level directory: % cd $stpoa % zcat $ftpdir/stpoa-v1.2.1-bin.{arch}.tar.Z | tar xvf - Delete the compressed tar file when it is no longer needed. 8a) Make sure that the bin directory is appropriately linked: % rm bin % ln -s bin.{arch} bin Jump to step 9... Alternatively, if you need to rebuild follow these steps: 6b) Restart IRAF and "cd stpoa$". 7b) Symbolically link the appropriate binary directory to bin. bin is originally linked to bin.generic for distribution. On a SPARCstation running Solaris 2.*, type cl> mkpkg ssun On a DEC Alpha running Digital Unix, type cl> mkpkg alpha On a PC running Linux, type cl> mkpkg linux Other architectures are available and have corresponding bin.{arch} directories. For additional architectures, make a directory with the proper bin.{arch} name, and link it to bin Note that this package has been built successfully on Solaris, and will probably do so on other architectures although this isn't guaranteed. 8b) Make the package by typing cl> mkpkg -p stsdas update >&spool The spool file should be reviewed upon completion to make sure there were no errors. 9) As a final installation step, you should build the stpoa help database within IRAF. Restart IRAF and "cd stpoa$lib", type cl> softools cl> mkhelpdb root.hd helpdb.mip 10) If you are NOT working on a Linux system, skip to number 11. If working on a Linux box, you will need to execute the following set of steps to unpack the fits reference files into stsdas table format. The internal reference files are located within the stpoa package, under the "ref$", "pref$", and "pwav$" variable names. These variables are set automatically when the stpoa.poa_fos package has been loaded. a) Restart IRAF; load "stpoa" and "poa_fos"; and "cd ref$". b) Open the following packages: "tables.fitsio". c) Convert the fits files to table files: del *.cye,*.cyf strfits *.fit "" "" oldirafname=yes d) Move to next location: "cd stpoa$poa_fos/data" e) Convert the fits files to GEIS files: imdel y*h del strfits *.fit "" "" oldirafname=yes strfits y0k4510dt_pix.fits "" "" oldirafname=yes f) Move to next location: "cd stpoa$poa_fos/pwav" g) Convert the fits files to GEIS files: del *.cy6 strfits *.fit "" "" oldirafname=yes h) Move to next location: "cd stpoa$poa_fos/pref" i) Convert the fits files to GEIS files: imdel *.r1h strfits *.fit "" "" oldirafname=yes 11) Up-to-date hypertext help is available on the World Wide Web at 12) Problems with the installation should be reported to Anastasia Alexov, July 2000 (based on the stecf and rvsao installation instructions written Richard Hook and Doug Mink, respectively) Updated to V1.2.2, February 2002.