PFOS_PIX2WAV (Aug01) stpoa.poa_fos PFOS_PIX2WAV (Aug01) NAME pfos_pix2wav -- Calculate wavelengths from pixels for a table of POA-recalibrated Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS) spectra. USAGE pfos_pix2wav input pixtab wavtab DESCRIPTION The 'pfos_pix2wav' task takes a table of x pixel positions (which refer to a particular FOS observation), optionally applies the POA sub-pixel correction for these pixel values and then calculates wavelengths using the POA-FOS dispersion solution from the CCS6 reference table. Pixel positions should naturally be in range with the data boundries (starting from pixel 1 to the maximum position for that dataset). The table of pixel positions is the input; these positions are adjusted by default using the POA sub-pixel correction; the output 'wavtab' table is a copy of the input 'pixtab' positions table with new sub-pixel-corrected pixel positions along with calculated wavelength positions. Also required as 'input' is the FOS dataset root name for this pixel positions table. 'pfos_pix2wav' actually requires the entire FOS data set (root.d0h, root.shh, etc) to be present in the directory where one runs this task. This requirement is due to the fact that this task needs many FOS header keyword values to determine which wavelength scale is used to calculate the pixel to wavelength conversion. The input pixel table must have at least one column, from which the pixel positions will be read in; this table can have as many other columns as one likes, all the columns will be copied to the output wave table. The pixel position default column name is "PIXPOS", but can be changed using the 'pixcol' parameter settings. Please note that 'pfos_pix2wav' requires that the FOS data be at least POA pre-processed. Running the re-processing adds header keywords to the FOS data and running the processing pipeline creates the output '.poa' file. We assume POA FOS pipeline processing has been performed on data for which one needs the POA sub-pixel correction applied using this tool. If the FOS data have not been POA processed, the tool will exit. For more information on the POA FOS pipeline, please see the help files for 'poa_preproc_fos' and 'poa_calfos'. An easy check to see if the data have already been POA pre-processed is to see if the root.d0h file has the "CYCCSFR" header keyword. A quick check can be made using the command "imheader root.d0h l+ | grep CYCCSFR", replacing "root" with the appropriate file rootname. If nothing is returned, then the data need to go through POA processing. By default the sub-pixel offset correction will be applied using an average of the OFF_DIOD value(s) from the '.poa' file. The user can specify the spectrum number to use as the offset, instead of taking the default average of all the spectra's OFF_DIOD values. The "PIXPOS" input pixel positions are assumed to have come from data which have been POA corrected, and therefore have already had the integer value (OFF_PIX) of the POA offset applied. The sub-pixel correction is simply an addition to this correction, the "leftover" non-integer value of the offset. The user has the option to turn off this feature, by setting the parameter 'sub_pix=no'. In either case, new pixel positions are calculated and placed into the wavelength output table under the column name "NEWPIX". If 'sub-pix=no' then "NEWPIX" values are all equal to "PIXPOS" values. An added benefit of this tool is that it will calculate wavelength results for FOS IMAGE mode data. The FOS calibration pipeline does not create a wavelength scale for IMAGE data, however, this tool will be able to calculate wavelength positions from pixel positions for all FOS data that fit the POA criteria, whether or not they are spectrum or image format The 'poa_calfos' help file lists the POA FOS processing criteria. If one needs information on how to create an STSDAS table from an ascii list of pixel positions, the 'ttools' package will have all the necessary information. The task 'tcreate' will create the table in the required format. Also, please see the 'poa_preproc_fos', 'poa_calfos' and 'processfos' help files for more details on the POA FOS re-calibration processing steps. PARAMETERS input [string] The rootname of the input FOS observation data set. The ".d0h, .d0d" and rest of the data associated with this FOS rootname must be in the current working directory where one is running this task. pixtab [file] Input table (in STSDAS format) which contains pixel positions; the table can have any number of columns, but at least one column (which contains the pixel positions) must be called "PIXPOS" and must be of type "double". In order to create this pixel positions table, one can use the task 'tcreate' in the 'tables.ttools' package. The description 'cdfile' for table creation must have column name "PIXPOS" and column type "d" (for double). The pixtab can have any number of rows/positions; position values should not be negative. If pixel position values are out of bounds of the data, an attempt will still be made to calculate the wavelength equivalent at that position. Please make do not include pixel positions from multiple datasets in one pixtab file; positions in this table should correspond only to one particular FOS dataset. One will need individual pixel tables for each FOS dataset one wants to process with this task. wavtab [file] Output results table (in STSDAS format) which contains a copy of the input pixtab, along with new sub-pixel corrected pixel positions, and the calculated wavelength positions. The 'wavtab' will have two new columns with respect with the input pixtab, called "WAVPOS" and "NEWPIX"; the table will have the same number of rows as the input pixtab. If 'sub_pix=no', then the "NEWPIX" values will be equal to the "PIXPOS" input values. To view the results, use the 'tprint' task from the 'tables.ttools' package. Wavtab cannot be a blank input string. (sub_pix = yes) [boolean] Option to correct the input pixel positions with the sub-pixel offset. The 'poa_calfos' pipeline "corrects" the FOS data by shifting it in the FOS X-direction (the dispersion direction); this shift is calculated with sub-pixel resolution, but applied in integer pixels in order to avoid resampling the data. This 'pfos_pix2wav' tool can apply the remaining sub-pixel value of this correction to the pixel positions in the input table. The sub-pixel offset correction is calculated as the average of the OFF_DIOD value(s) found in the '.poa' file. The user also has the option to specify the spectrum number for which to extract the OFF_DIOD offset value, instead of taking the default average of all the OFF_DIOD values. The 'spec_num' parameter can be set to the integer spectrum number instead of INDEF (the default setting which uses all the spectra OFF_DIOD values to calculate the average). The "PIXPOS" positions are re-calculated using the sub-pixel part of the offset and then placed into the wavelength output table under the column name "NEWPIX". If 'sub_pix=no', then the sub-pixel correction will be skipped; the '.poa' file is not required if the correction is omitted; the wavtab "NEWPIX" values are then the same as the input "PIXPOS" values. (poafile = "") [string] The rootname of the '.poa' file. The default blank string will use the 'input' rootname. The parameter is needed in case the 'poa_calfos' pipeline processing input and output names differed; if they did, then use the rootname of the output for this parameter. The file name will be constructed by appending the '.poa' extension to the 'poafile' parameter (or to 'input' parameter when 'poafile' is null). If 'sub_pix=no' this parameter setting is ignored. (specnum = INDEF) [integer] The sub-pixel calculation by default will use an average of all the OFF_DIOD values in the '.poa' file. Therefore the INDEF 'specnum' default uses all the spectra available, for the calculations. The user has the option to specify the spectrum number for which to extract OFF_DIOD value, instead of taking the average of all OFF_DIOD values. This parameter is ignored when 'sub_pix=no'. EXAMPLES 1. Run the 'pfos_pix2wav' task on already POA pre-processed sample data y0k4510dt; pixel postion table is called; output is called The sub-pixel correction is applied by default, using all the OFF_DIOD values in the '.poa' file. st> copy poa_spec$y0k4510dt* . [ One must first run the POA pipeline on the raw data if that has not not already been done. ] st> processfos y0k4510dt y0k4510dt st> pfos_pix2wav y0k4510dt 2. Run the same example, but turning off the sub-pixel correction for dataset y0k4510dt. st> copy poa_spec$y0k4510dt* . [ One must first run the POA pipeline on the raw data if that has not not already been done. ] st> processfos y0k4510dt y0k4510dt st> pfos_pix2wav y0k4510dt \ sub_pix- 3. Run the same example, with the sub-pixel correction turned on, for dataset y0k4510dt, using a different name for the '.poa' file. st> copy poa_spec$y0k4510dt* . [ One must first run the POA pipeline on the raw data if that has not not already been done. ] st> processfos y0k4510dt y0k4510dt st> copy y0k4510dt.poa out_y0k4510dt.poa st> pfos_pix2wav y0k4510dt \ poafile=out_y0k4510dt NOTES Please make sure the FOS data have been POA processed (have run through the 'poa_calfos' pipeline) before the pixel to wavelength conversion task is run. As noted in the POA FOS pipeline task, one cannot run POA tasks on FOS data which do not fall within the POA processing criteria. Please see the 'poa_calfos' help file for more details on the POA processing criteria. BUGS REFERENCES References to the Post Operational Archive system for HST data can be found on: "" HELP For assistance using this particular task, please contact, or (see For assistance using this or any other tasks, please contact or call the help desk at 410-338-1082. SEE ALSO poa_preproc_fos, poa_calfos, processfos, imheader, tcreate, tprint Type "help poa_fos opt=sys" for a higher-level explanation of the 'poa_fos' package and the process of re-calibrating a FOS data set. Type "help poa_preproc_fos" for an explanation of the task which runs the FOS data pre-processor. Type "help poa_calfos" for an explanation of the 'poa_calfos' task for re-calibrating FOS data.