Table 2.2 The distribution of guiding modes (hours)
   SI      IN      EC      GY      CT      FL Total
  WFP  14.239   0.578  11.434   3.259  90.396 119.908
  FOC   4.917   0.000   0.000   0.000   7.447  12.364
  FOS   2.089   0.000   4.448   0.000  30.269  36.806
  HRS  29.171   0.000   0.486   0.717  48.376  78.750
  FGS   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.194   0.194
Total  50.416   0.578  16.368   3.976 176.683 248.022
    %  20.327   0.233   6.600   1.603  71.237 100.000
SI = Science Instrument
IN = Internal
EC = Earth Calibration
GY = Gyro
CT = Coarse Track
FL = Fine Lock
%  = Percentage