Table 2.2 The distribution of guiding modes (hours)
   SI      IN      EC      GY      CT      FL Total
  WFP  19.994   1.732  11.126   0.000 139.237 172.089
  FOC   1.083   0.000   0.000   0.000   7.416   8.500
  FOS   1.120   0.000   4.208   0.000  48.995  54.323
  HRS  12.393   0.000   1.374   0.000  31.589  45.356
  FGS   0.000   0.000   0.006   0.000   0.100   0.106
Total  34.591   1.732  16.713   0.000 227.338 280.374
    %  12.338   0.618   5.961   0.000  81.084 100.000
SI = Science Instrument
IN = Internal
EC = Earth Calibration
GY = Gyro
CT = Coarse Track
FL = Fine Lock
%  = Percentage