Table 2.2 The distribution of guiding modes (hours)
   SI      IN      EC      GY      CT      FL Total
  WFP  20.683   1.072   7.504   2.367 101.177 132.803
  FOC   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000  11.162  11.162
  FOS   7.137   0.000   3.039   2.903  22.276  35.355
  HRS  15.904   0.000   0.000   0.703  29.366  45.973
  FGS   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.016   0.016
Total  43.724   1.072  10.543   5.972 163.997 225.308
    %  19.406   0.476   4.679   2.651  72.788 100.000
SI = Science Instrument
IN = Internal
EC = Earth Calibration
GY = Gyro
CT = Coarse Track
FL = Fine Lock
%  = Percentage