Table 2.2 The distribution of guiding modes (hours)
   SI      IN      EC      GY      CT      FL Total
  WFP  28.139   1.722   1.570   0.000 268.091 299.522
  FOC   3.883   0.000   0.000   0.000  13.155  17.038
  FOS  43.894   0.000   0.528   0.000  98.526 142.948
  HRS   9.527   0.000   0.000   0.000  12.968  22.494
  FGS   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.135   0.135
Total  85.443   1.722   2.098   0.000 392.875 482.137
    %  17.722   0.357   0.435   0.000  81.486 100.000
SI = Science Instrument
IN = Internal
EC = Earth Calibration
GY = Gyro
CT = Coarse Track
FL = Fine Lock
%  = Percentage