August GHRS Trending Report: Day  95212- 95246
                                               Cycle Summary
                               This period      Total to Date *     Est. life
                              cycles    hours   cycles   hours#       hours
Low Voltage Side 1 Power	11	241.3	 271	2207.7	       --
Low Voltage Side 2 Power	0	840	 254	34113.1	       --
High Voltage Side 1 Power	10	240.6	 164	2143.6	       --
High Voltage Side 2 Power	8	153.5	 414	9076.3	       --
DEB Side 1 Power	        35	94.7	 492	1269.9	       --
DEB Side 2 Power	        22	65.6	 1502	5220.6	       --
Carrousel Power	                56	159.8	 1705	6082.9	       --
Spectral Cal Lamp 1	        0	0	 668#	241.1	      1500
Spectral Cal Lamp 2	        90	4.4	 3991#	447.9	      1500
Flat Field Lamp 1	        3	1.1	 159#	80.9	      1000
Flat Field Lamp 2	        0	0	 248#	89.3	      1000
Shutter	                        302	--	 8860	--	       --
Carrousel	                433	--	 17570	--	       --

*Total from  Nov.1, 1990
#Prelaunch totals included

 	                   Target Acquisition Summary (This Period)

              Commanded     Successful     No Target     GS Acq Failed     Other
Mode-I            0             0             0                 0            0
Mode-II          27            27             0                 0            0
Peakup            6             7             0                 0            0
Image	          0             0             0                 0            0

                          Voltage and Current Summary  (This Period)

                                 Minimum       Average       Maximum
Photocath 1 Voltage (-kV)         21.6          21.7          21.7
Photocath 2 Voltage (-kV)         21.9          22.0          22.0
HVPS 1 Current - PCC1 (mA)        76.2          78.5          82.3
HVPS 2 Current - PCC2 (mA)        79.0          82.3          88.2
LV 1 Regulator Voltage (V)        21.2          21.8          22.2
LV 2 Regulator Voltage (V)        22.0          22.6          23.0
Standby 1 Regulator Voltage (V)   19.8          20.2          20.6
Standby 2 Regulator Voltage (V)   19.6          20.2          20.4

                                 Power  Summary  (This Period)

                                 Minimum       Average       Maximum
Side 1 (W)                        20.7          34.8          132.0
Side 2 (W)                        36.3          60.4          175.4	
                            Time Spent In Each Mode

                             Side  1         Side  2		
                             (hours)         (hours)		
Safe                            0.0            0.0
Hold                          598.6            0.0
Standby                         0.0            0.0
Ready                         146.3           87.9
Operate                        94.4           65.6
LV Ready                        0.4          686.5
LV Operate                      0.3            0.0