STIS Calibration Enhancement
Line List for
Lamps: |

- Documentation:
-Characterization of the Far-Ultraviolet Spectrum of Pt/Cr-Ne Hollow Cathode Lamps as Used on the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on Board the Hubble Space Telescope. Sansonetti, C. J., Kerber, F., Reader, J., & Rosa, M. R., ApJ Supp. (pdf)
-Spectral Characterization of HST Calibration Lamps - New
Pt/Cr-Ne line catalogues and ageing test; poster from SPIE Glasgow 2004
-Characterization of Pt/Cr-Ne Hollow Cathode Lamps for Wavelength Standards in Space Astronomy; poster from Space Telescope Calibration Workshop, Baltimore 2005
-Performance of the FOS and GHRS Pt/(Cr)-Ne Hollow Cathode Lamps After Their from Space and copmarison with Archival Data; poster from Space Telescope Calibration Workshop, Baltimore 2005
-STIS Calibration Enhancement - Spectral Characterisation of Pt/Cr-Ne Hollow Cathode Lamps in the March 2003 ST-ECF
Newsletter #33
-STIS Calibration Enhancement - Two Unusual Visits to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in the January 2004 ST-ECF Newsletter #35
-STIS Calibration Enhancement - New Insights from the ST-ECF Lamp Project October 2004 ST-ECF Newsletter #37
-See also the Atlas of the Spectrum of a Platinum Neon Hollow Cathode Lamp in the region 1130 Å to 4330 Å from NIST |
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