! Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 6 (1996) Phase II Proposal Template ! $Id: 6815,v 21.1 1997/08/01 15:06:38 pepsa Exp $ ! ! Refer to the HST Phase II Proposal Instructions to fill this out ! ! Anything after a "!" is ignored, and may be deleted ! ! All keywords with multiple entries are comma delimited except the ! Visit_Requirements and Special_Requirements keywords which can be ! delimited with carriage returns or semi-colons, but not commas ! ! For help call your Program Coordinator: Workman ! Phone: 410-338-4495 , E-mail: workman@stsci.edu ! ! This partially completed template was generated from a Phase I proposal. ! Name of Phase I Proposal: archive-1092.turnshek.prop ! Date generated: Fri Dec 22 18:47:51 EST 1995 ! Proposal_Information ! Section 4 Title: The Origin of the Polarization in the Gravitationally Lensed Cloverleaf BAL QSO H1413+1143 Proposal_Category: GO Scientific_Category: QSO ABSORPTION LINES Cycle: 6 Investigators PI_name: David Turnshek PI_Institution: Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh CoI_Name: Olivia Lupie CoI_Institution: Space Telescope Science Institute Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Regina Schulte-Ladbeck CoI_Institution: University of Pittsburgh Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) Abstract: ! Free format text (please update) We propose a strategy to obtain WFPC2 polarimetry that will allow us to explore the polarization mechanism operating in the gravitationally lensed ``Cloverleaf'' broad absorption line (BAL) QSO H1413+1143. This is one of a number of BAL QSOs known to exhibit optical polarization, however the nature of the polarization is not understood in this class of object. This BAL QSO manifests itself as 4 lensed components, however the weakness of the broad emission lines in component D relative to components A,B,C, indicate that the size-scale of the amplified regions are substantially smaller for component D (microlensing) in comparison to components A,B,C. This fact should allow us to constrain the size-scale of the polarized light in the Cloverleaf. The net polarization of the Cloverleaf is ~ 4.5\% and the brightnesses of the components are not too different. If the polarization originates close in to the central source, all four components should be polarized equally. However, if the polarization originates in a large scattering region, component D should have near zero polarization while the remain components should have ~ 6\% polarization. While the polarizations are small, we can take advantage of the fact that we are looking for differences in polarizations between the 4 components, not an absolute polarization for any single component. We believe that the observing strategy we have developed for WFPC2 will allow us to measure differences in polarization on the order of ~ 1\%. However, even if we achieve an accuracy of ~ 2--3\%, we should be able to test the extreme model we propose. Questions ! Free format text (please update) Observing_Description: SEE COMMENTS IN THE FIRST VISIT Real_Time_Justification: Calibration_Justification: ! Move appropriate text from Real_Time_Justification Additional_Comments: THE POLARIMETRIC CALIBRATION OF THE DATA, BOTH FOR THE DIFFERENTIAL MEASUREMENT AND THE ABSOLUTE MEASUREMENT OF THE COMPONENT POLARIZATIONS WOULD BENEFIT IF THE FOLLOWING WFPC2 CALIBRATION OBSERVATIONS WERE TO BE TAKEN NEAR THE SCHEDULED TIME OF THIS OBSERVATION: 1) FLAT FIELDS WITHOUT AND WITH POLARIZERS 2) POLARIZATION STANDARDS 3) PSF STARS Fixed_Targets ! Section 5.1 Target_Number: 1 Target_Name: H1413+1143-COMP-A Alternate_Names: CLOVERLEAF-COMP-A Description: GALAXY, GRAVITATIONAL LENS Position: RA=14H 15M 46.3S+/-0.1S, DEC=+11D 29' 43.6"+/-1.5" !THESE ARE THE COORDINATES FOR A THAT WERE USED IN Z623 ! Most common specification format is ! RA=0H 0M 0.00S +/- 0S, ! DEC=0D 0' 0.0" +/- 0", ! PLATE-ID=0000 Equinox: 2000 RV_or_Z: Z=2.54 RA_PM: 0 ! Units are seconds of time per year Dec_PM: 0 ! Units are seconds of arc per year Epoch: 1994.97 Annual_Parallax: 0 Flux: V=18.2 ! Component A V mag in 1992.33 ! Include at least V and B-V Comments:CLOVERLEAF HAS 4 LENSED COMPONENTS. IN 1992.33 V MAGs WERE A=18.2, B=18.4, C=18.4, D=18.6 (B-V COLOR OF COMPONENTS IS ABOUT 0.4 TO 0.6 MAG). THIS IS A. THE EPOCH IS THE LAST DATE OF HST WFPC2 MEASUREMENTS. THE ASTROMETRY IS BASED ON RESULTS FROM 5 DIFFERENT EPOCHS OF WFPC/WFPC2 MEASUREMENTS. !OFFSET POSITION OF COMPONENT D IS TAKEN FROM AUGUST 1997 (APJ, IN PRESS) CLOVERLEAF !PAPER. D RELATIVE TO A: DRA=0.355(0.003)", DD=1.043(0.012)". DRA NEEDS TO !BE CONVERTED TO S, use DRA(S) = DRA(")/15*COSD. DRA=0.02415(0.00020)S. TO SHIFT !D ONTO A, NOTE THAT OFF IS DEFINED AS TARGET COORDINATES MINUS OFFSET REFERENCE !COORDINATES. IF D = TARGET AND A = OFFSET REFERENCE, THEN THE SIGN !FOR OFFSET IS +. Target_Number: 2 Target_Name: H1413+1143-COMP-A-OFFSET Alternate_Names: CLOVERLEAF-COMP-D Description: GALAXY, GRAVITATIONAL LENS Position: RA-OFF=0.02415S+/-0.00020S, DEC-OFF=1.043"+/-0.0012", FROM1 Equinox: 2000 RV_or_Z: Z=2.54 RA_PM: 0 ! Units are seconds of time per year Dec_PM: 0 ! Units are seconds of arc per year Epoch: 1994.97 Annual_Parallax: 0 Flux: V=18.6 ! Include at least V and B-V !Comments:CLOVERLEAF HAS 4 LENSED COMPONENTS. V MAGs in 1992.33 WERE !A=18.2, B=18.4, C=18.4, D=18.6, THIS IS D. Target_Number: 3 Target_Name: G191B2B Alternate_Names: Description: STAR Position: RA=05H 05M 30.62S+/-0.01S, DEC=+52D 49' 54.0"+/-0.1", PLATE-ID=0005 Equinox: 2000 RV_or_Z: RA_PM: +0.0008 ! Units are seconds of time per year Dec_PM: -0.0873 ! Units are seconds of arc per year Epoch: 1983.115 Annual_Parallax: 0 Flux: V=11.78,B-V=-0.3,E(B-V)=0.0 ! Include at least V and B-V Comments: PSF STAR, UNPOLARIZED STANDARD. Visits ! Section 6 Visit_Number: 1 Visit_Requirements: ! Section 7.1 ! Uncomment or copy visit level special requirements needed ! Most of these requirements (including ORIENT) will limit scheduling ! PCS MODE Fine ! GUIDing TOLerance ! DROP TO GYRO IF NECESSARY [NO REACQuisition] ! ORIENTation TO ! ORIENTation -1D TO +1D FROM 1 ! ORIENTation TO FROM NOMINAL ! SAME ORIENTation AS 1 ! CVZ ! PARallel SCHEDulability 100% AFTER 2 BY 1D TO 30D ! AFTER ! BEFORE ! BETWEEN AND ! GROUP 2-3 WITHIN 30D ! PERIOD