#| File: 6364C.IDB RPSS File Date: 09-Mar-96 01:22:29 |# (define-proposal-status :id 6364 :version "C" :validation-version "1.5" :C-validation-date "09-Mar-1996" :validation-time "01:22:29" :C-validation-status "I" ) (define-proposal-properties :id 6364 :version "C" :contains-visits? t :title "SNAPSHOT SURVEY OF PROTO-PLANETARY NEBULAE AND AGB STARS" :sci_cat '( "HOT STARS") :proposal-type "SNAP" ) (define-proposal-abstract :id 6364 :version "C" :line1 "We propose to undertake a snapshot survey of AGB stars andproto-planetary" :line2 "nebulae (PPNe) in order to discern theevolutionary sequence that produces" :line3 "axially symmetricplanetary nebulae (PNe). It is now well established that" :line4 "mostPNe are axially symmetric. However, the origin of this axialsymmetry" :line5 "remains a topic of current research. Our snapshotsurvey addresses two aspects" :line6 "of this issue: at which point inthe intermediate mass star's evolution does" :line7 "the axial symmetryarise and do binary companions play an important role" :line8 "increating this axial symmetry. The survey, using a list ofapproximately 40" :line9 "candidate targets, will show AGB and PPNecircumstellar envelopes (CSEs) in" :line10 "various stages ofdevelopment resulting in a database of images from" :line11 "whichmeaningful statistics can be derived on the evolutionary stageat which" :line12 "the axial symmetry originates. In addition, somebinary companions may be" :line13 "detected. The objects in this surveyoverlap with those imaged in a high" :line14 "resolution (<0.9\")mid-infrared imaging study by Meixner et al. Our" :line15 "proposedHST snapshot survey will complement the mid-IR survey inwavelength and" :line16 "spatial resolution. In particular, the highangular resolution of HST will" :line17 "permit us to investigate thestructure of CSEs from an earlier stage of" :line18 "development thanhas been possible in the mid-IR." ) (define-principal-investigator :id 6364 :version "C" :from-date "Date-Unknown" :to-date "Date-Unknown" :lname "BOBROWSKY" :institution "CTA INCORPORATED" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "HE3-1475" :type "F" :number "1.000" :descrip "STAR;EMISSION LINE NEBULA;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "OK" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "IRAS22272+5435" :type "F" :number "2.000" :alias-1 "SAO34504" :alias-2 "V354 LAC" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "INFO" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "IRAS04296+3429" :type "F" :number "3.000" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "OK" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "SAO163075" :type "F" :number "4.000" :alias-1 "IRAS19500-1709" :alias-2 "HD187885" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "INFO" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "OH53.8+20.2" :type "F" :number "5.000" :alias-1 "IRAS18095+2704" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "OK" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "IRAS20462+3416" :type "F" :number "6.000" :alias-1 "V1853 CYG" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "OK" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "IRAS22223+4327" :type "F" :number "7.000" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "OK" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "IRAS23304+6147" :type "F" :number "8.000" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "OK" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "IRAS20000+3239" :type "F" :number "9.000" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "OK" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "MIRA" :type "F" :number "10.000" :alias-1 "O CETI" :descrip "STAR;AGB STAR;" :status "OK" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "IRAS20028+3910" :type "F" :number "11.000" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "OK" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "IRAS05113+1347" :type "F" :number "12.000" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "OK" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "IRAS17150-3224" :type "F" :number "13.000" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "OK" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "OH17.7-2.0" :type "F" :number "14.000" :alias-1 "AFGL5497" :alias-2 "IRAS18276-1431" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "OK" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "IRAS02229+6208" :type "F" :number "15.000" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "OK" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "IRAS16342-3814" :type "F" :number "16.000" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "OK" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "IRAS17347-3139" :type "F" :number "17.000" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "OK" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "IRAS17441-2411" :type "F" :number "18.000" :alias-1 "AFGL5385" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "OK" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "IRAS08005-2356" :type "F" :number "19.000" :alias-1 "GSC06654-00559" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "OK" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "IRAS19374+2359" :type "F" :number "20.000" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "OK" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "IRAS05341+0852" :type "F" :number "21.000" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "OK" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "HR4049" :type "F" :number "22.000" :alias-1 "SAO178644" :alias-2 "HD89353" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "INFO" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "R-CRB" :type "F" :number "23.000" :alias-1 "SAO84015" :alias-2 "HD141527" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "INFO" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "89-HER" :type "F" :number "24.000" :alias-1 "HD163506" :alias-2 "SAO85545" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;" :status "INFO" ) (define-target :id 6364 :version "C" :targname "IRAS07430+1115" :type "F" :number "25.000" :descrip "STAR;WIND;EJECTA;"