! Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 6 (1996) Phase II Proposal Template ! $Id: 6670,v 2.1 1995/12/22 20:41:57 pepsa Exp $ ! Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 6 (1996) Phase II Proposal Template ! $Id: 6670,v 2.1 1995/12/22 20:41:57 pepsa Exp $ ! ! Refer to the HST Phase II Proposal Instructions to fill this out ! ! Anything after a "!" is ignored, and may be deleted ! ! All keywords with multiple entries are comma delimited except the ! Visit_Requirements and Special_Requirements keywords which can be ! delimited with carriage returns or semi-colons, but not commas ! ! For help call your Program Coordinator: Bremmer ! Phone: 410-338-4458 , E-mail: bremmer@stsci.edu ! ! This partially completed template was generated from a Phase I proposal. ! Name of Phase I Proposal: archive-0721.tavani.prop ! Date generated: Fri Dec 22 15:41:42 EST 1995 ! Proposal_Information ! Section 4 Title: High-resolution imagery of jets from superluminal X-ray transients Proposal_Category: GO Scientific_Category: BINARIES + STAR FORMA Cycle: 6 Investigators PI_name: Marco Tavani PI_Institution: Columbia University CoI_Name: Andrew Fruchter CoI_Institution: Space Telescope Science Institute Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Robert Hjellming CoI_Institution: NRAO Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Alan Harmon CoI_Institution: NASA/Marshall Flight Space Center Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: S. Nan Zhang CoI_Institution: USRA Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Carole Haswell CoI_Institution: Columbia University Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Mario Livio CoI_Institution: Space Telescope Science Institute Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Roger Foster CoI_Institution: NRL Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) Abstract: ! Free format text (please update) Superluminal transients sources (STSs) are newly discovered galactic sources showing strong X-ray outbursts associated with sporadic relativistic ejection of radio emitting plasmoids in a double-jet geometry. Qualitatively, the jet geometry of emission from STSs resembles that of AGNs and SS 433, suggesting similar conditions of accretion onto their respective compact objects (most likely black holes). HST observations of STSs aimed at detecting optical emission from plasmoids would be very valuable in testing models of relativistic emission and interaction with circumstellar environments. Typically, detectable radio emission from ejected plasmoids lasts for several weeks and large plasmoids can be ejected within a timescale of a few days. A target of opportunity (TOO) HST observation of STS is therefore possible, following a timely warning of STS activity. The success of a TOO observation strongly relies on simultaneous multiwavelength observations involving X-ray, radio and optical monitoring, and our group is engaged in the current monitoring and study of STSs. We propose to carry out TOO HST observations of nearby STSs (\gro and possibly \2) or of accessible new STSs if both of the following conditions are satisfied: (1) a major hard X-ray outburst is detected (typically with a flux larger than several hundred mCrab); (2) continuum radio emission in the 0.8-20 GHz band is detected during the X-ray outburst with a clear indication of plasmoid propagation. Questions ! Free format text (please update) Observing_Description: Real_Time_Justification: Calibration_Justification: ! Move appropriate text from Real_Time_Justification Additional_Comments: Fixed_Targets ! Section 5.1 Target_Number: Target_Name: Alternate_Names: Description: Position: ! Most common specification format is ! RA=0H 0M 0.00S +/- 0S, ! DEC=0D 0' 0.0" +/- 0", ! PLATE-ID=0000 Equinox: RV_or_Z: RA_PM: ! Units are seconds of time per year Dec_PM: ! Units are seconds of arc per year Epoch: Annual_Parallax: Flux: ! Include at least V and B-V Comments: Solar_System_Targets ! Section 5.2 Target_Number: Target_Name: Description: Level_1: ! Satellite of Sun Level_2: ! Satellite of Level_1 Level_3: ! Satellite of Level_2 Ephem_Uncert: ! Needed for REQ EPHEM CORR sp req Acq_Uncert: ! Needed for SAVE and USE OFFSET sp reqs Window: Flux: ! Include at least V and B-V Comments: Generic_Targets ! Section 5.3 Target_Number: Target_Name: Description: Criteria: Flux: Comments: Scan_Data ! Appendix B Scan_Number: FGS_Scan: Cont_or_Dwell: Dwell_Points: Dwell_Secs: Scan_Width: Scan_Length: Sides_Angle: Number_Lines: Scan_Rate: First_Line_PA: Scan_Frame: Length_Offset: Width_Offset: ! This is a template for a single visit containing a single exposure ! Repeat exposure and visit blocks as needed Visits ! Section 6 Visit_Number: Visit_Requirements: ! Section 7.1 ! Uncomment or copy visit level special requirements needed ! Most of these requirements (including ORIENT) will limit scheduling ! PCS MODE [Fine | Gyro] ! GUIDing TOLerance ! DROP TO GYRO IF NECESSARY [NO REACQuisition] ! ORIENTation TO ! ORIENTation TO FROM ! ORIENTation TO FROM NOMINAL ! SAME ORIENTation AS ! CVZ ! PARallel ! SCHEDulability ! AFTER [BY [TO ]] ! AFTER ! BEFORE ! BETWEEN AND ! GROUP WITHIN