! Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 6 (1996) Phase II Proposal Template ! $Id: 6609,v 3.1 1996/02/29 15:35:38 pepsa Exp $ ! Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 6 (1996) Phase II Proposal Template ! $Id: 6609,v 3.1 1996/02/29 15:35:38 pepsa Exp $ ! ! Refer to the HST Phase II Proposal Instructions to fill this out ! ! Anything after a "!" is ignored, and may be deleted ! ! All keywords with multiple entries are comma delimited except the ! Visit_Requirements and Special_Requirements keywords which can be ! delimited with carriage returns or semi-colons, but not commas ! ! For help call your Program Coordinator: van Orsow ! Phone: 410-338-4568 , E-mail: vanorsow@stsci.edu ! ! This partially completed template was generated from a Phase I proposal. ! Name of Phase I Proposal: archive-0566.windhorst.prop ! Date generated: Fri Dec 22 18:55:16 EST 1995 ! Proposal_Information ! Section 4 Title: The WFPC2 B-Band parallel survey: a systematic and synoptic study of galaxy formation and evolution Proposal_Category: GO Scientific_Category: GALAXIES & CLUSTERS Cycle: 6 Investigators PI_name: Rogier Windhorst PI_Institution: Arizona State University CoI_Name: Stephen Odewahn CoI_Institution: Arizona State University, Tempe Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Roelof de Jong CoI_Institution: University of Durham, Durham Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Simon Driver CoI_Institution: Univ. of New South Wales, Sydney Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Philippe Fischer CoI_Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Ron Marzke CoI_Institution: Dominion Astronomical Observatory, Victoria Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: J. Anthony Tyson CoI_Institution: AT&T Bell Labs., Murray Hill Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) Abstract: ! Free format text (please update) We request up to 216 WFPC2 parallel orbits in Cycle 6 and 7 to begin a WFPC2 B-band parallel survey and make a synoptic study of galaxy formation and evolution. This will result in 24 fields of 8--12 orbits each (~6--8 in \Bband and 1--2 in \Vband & \Iband) and another 24 fields of 4--7 orbits (~3--4 in B and ~1 in V and/or I), providing for the first time large -area WFPC2 coverage in B, yielding ~10,000 field galaxies with 18.5 B 25 mag. These will be analyzed in conjunction with our ultradeep \Bband images. The B-band parallel survey will provide good galaxy morphology and neural network classifications for 18.5 B 25 mag, and our Cycle 5 ultradeep survey for 24 B 26.5 mag. This will allow us to study the nature and evolution of the faint blue galaxy population in the B-filter where the excess of the faint galaxy counts is most pronounced. Specifically, the B-band parallel survey will allow us to study: (1) the B-band galaxy counts as a function of morphological type over the magnitude range 15 B 27 mag, and so provide strong constraints for galaxy evolution models; (2) the numerous compact blue (sub-galactic?) objects for B\cge 23--24 mag, and study their relation to galaxy formation; (3) B-band samples through an extensive program of ground-based follow-up to get their redshift distributions and LF's as function of type for B 24 mag; & (4) their sub-kpc restframe morphology and color gradients to constrain stellar populations and dust. Questions ! Free format text (please update) Observing_Description: \sn bullet (1) Field selection, number of fields & objects, exposure time:\ \ We have no special preference for the parallel fields other than they be at \bII\cge 25degrees to assure reasonably low Galactic foreground absorption, and outside large primary objects (i.e. NGC galaxies). We request up to 216 WFPC2 parallel orbits in each of Cycle 6 and 7 to do a concentrated WFPC2 B-band parallel survey, providing for the first time a relatively large-area WFPC2 coverage in B. This will result in 24 fields of 8--12 orbits each (~6--8 in \Bband and 1--2 in \Vband & \Iband, yielding ~2000 field galaxies in 0.033degreessq down to B 25 mag (plus ~ 4000 compact objects down to B 25.5--26 mag), and another 24 fields of 4--7 orbits (~3--4 in \Bband and 1 in \Vband and/or \Iband), yielding ~1300 galaxies in 0.033degreessq down to B 24.5 mag (plus ~2600 compact objects down to B 25--25.5 mag), providing the required areal coverage and sufficient statistics (~10,000 objects in total) in the range 18 B 25 mag to address the proposed scientific questions. The balance between the number of deeper and shallow fields will depend on how the available parallel time in Cycle 6--7 is distributed over number of orbits. If fewer than 24 8--12 orbit parallel opportunities are available, we will take more shallow parallels to cover a wider area. Because the total number of galaxies needs to be subdivided in at least four types (E/S0's, Sabc's, Sd/Irr's, compact objects), and divided over at least 6--7 magnitude bins --- for some populations with a very steep, nearly Euclidean slope. --- 10,000 objects is the minimum to get a statistical error of better than 10\% on average per bin in the counts, etc. We need this kind of precision to do the modeling outlined above. \sn bullet (2) Time justification and feasibility:\ \ From our 24-orbit Cycle 5 B-band exposure and our experience in Cycles 4--5, we know what exposure times are required to reach the required point source and SB sensitivity in the parallel \Bband exposures. The proposed 24 deeper parallel fields of 8--12 orbits each need to be subdivided into ~6--8 orbits in \Bband and 1--2 in each of \Vband & \Iband to reach sufficient S/N for galaxy classification and light profiles down to B 24 mag, V 23 mag, and I 22.5 mag, with point source detection at least another 1.5 mag fainter. Similarly, the 24 shallower fields of 4--7 orbits each will be subdivided into ~3--4 orbits in \Bband and 1 in each of \Vband and/or \Iband to reach sufficient S/N for accurate galaxy classification and light profiles down to B 23.5 mag, V 22.5 mag, and I 22 mag. There will thus be some cases of only one orbit in each of \Vband and \Iband. Although we prefer more than 1 orbit for CR-splitting, we would rather have the extra color information, and use Fr95's CR-removal algorithm that operates on single orbits. Note that for 18 B 24 mag, the exposure time ratio of \Bband to \Vband (or \Iband) must be typically 3--4 to 1, as opposed to 2 to 1 in our ultradeep WFPC2 field. This is because the color of field galaxies at the faintest flux levels (see Fig. 4) is (B- V)~0.8 mag, so that a ratio of 2 to 1 suffices to compensate for the lower QE* T in \Bband compared to \Vband or \Iband. However, for B~18--24 mag, the field galaxy redshift distribution peaks at z~0.1--0.5, so that the expected median and reddest colors are (B-V)~1.0 and ~1.5 mag, respectively (BC93), requiring another factor of 2 longer exposures to get equal S/N in B-magnitudes and colors. This is why shallow (2- -3 orbit) \Bband exposures so far have yielded a smaller number of galaxies: one needs at least sim4--8fully exposed \Bband orbits to see a sufficient number of objects in B, but once one exposes that long --- or longer --- one gains enormously in the number of objects usefully detected (see Plate 1). \sn bullet (3) Planning and Scheduling:\ \ We will work closely with STScI to schedule the 216 parallel orbits in each of Cycle 6 & 7, using their current ``crafting'' rules to optimize the scheduling of parallels. Real_Time_Justification: We have no special requirements for our Cycle 6 observations. bullet TEAM OPERATION IN DATA REDUCTION AND ANALYSIS: siOne of the strengths of our B-band parallel team is a strong contingent of young and bright, well motivated and active researchers at the postdoctoral level. The PI of this project will see to it that the postdocs will make significant progress in their career through the B-band parallel survey, and get a fair share of papers with their name first from this project. The team will be coordinated through Email, Telecons, and team meetings. To address our scientific goals, we will systematically process and analyze the Cycle 6 parallel images according to the following plan, similar to our plans in Cycle 1--5 (see attached ASU Bibliography for results). We will also continue to carry out our extensive program of ground-based follow-up on the WFPC2 fields, as in Cycles 1--5. In particular, the Co-I's will contribute in the following manner: \sn bullet (1) Processing (Odewahn, Windhorst):\ The Cycle 6 parallel images will be reduced with the WFPC2 superflats at ASU, like our Cycle 4--5 images, as described in D95a, DWG95, FW95, G94a, H95, WK95, W94b, which are similar to the Cycle 1--3 WF/PC reduction techniques of G94a, W92, W94a, W94c, W95a. \sn bullet (2) Cataloging (Odewahn, Windhorst):\ We will construct a WFPC2 \Bband data base and galaxy catalogs using FOCAS/RGASP in 2--3 filters (as in D95a, DWG95a, O95, P95b). \sn bullet (3) Object Parameters (Odewahn, deJong):\ Run FOCAS and RGASP, adapted for HST, to get: accurate galaxy positions in three or more filters (as in NW95a, O95), light-profiles & scale-lengths (dJK94, dJ95, O95, W94a, Sc95), color gradients (dJK95, dJ94, O95, W94c). We will carry out a U-band survey on the Steward 90-inch to complement deJong's existing BVRIHK local reference sample of light-profiles for 86 spiral galaxies. deJong will investigate the distribution of central disk SB and scale-lengths as a function of redshift and investigate if galaxies have always been growing from inside out or not. He will also investigate the extinction properties of galaxies as a function of redshift, using a color-inclination test, and take the lead on papers on these topics. \sn bullet (4) Reliability and Completeness (Fischer):\ Study catalog completeness and reliability from simulations (as in F94, W93), run catalogs on slightly convolved WFPC2 images to assure completeness for lower SB-galaxies (as in F94, N95a, N95c). Fischer will address the sources of systematic errors that arise from the effects of pixelation, PSF, isophotal cut -off, photon noise, crowding, etc., which affect the morphological and flux determinations in a galaxy-dependent manner. He developed software for realistically simulating a wide variety of faint-galaxy populations. By running the simulated data through the same software pipeline as the real data we will be able to quantify the systematics and correct for them. Fischer will take the lead in papers describing these systematics, and how they are used to correct the counts. \sn bullet (5) Object Classification (Odewahn):\ Classify all objects in the B-band parallel survey with an optimized neural net that is trained on brighter samples, which were classified by eye and have some spectroscopic confirmation, as in O95. He will take the lead in papers that describe this project, as well as the object counts as a function of type that will result. \sn bullet (6) Ground- based Spectroscopy (Driver, deJong, Marzke, Pascarelle, Windhorst):\ We will continue a rigorous program of ground- based (g-b) follow-up spectroscopy on several 4 m class telescopes. Our Cycle 1--5 experience has shown that the spectroscopic sample should be selected from the HST images rather than from g-b images, because: (a) HST images --- if properly analyzed --- are no worse than g-b samples in finding low SB galaxies (because of their small median scale- lengths and the much lower HST sky background, M94, CRGINOW, N95c; our total WFPC2 counts in Fig. 2 are consistent with g- b.); (b) g-b star-galaxy separation is much more difficult (M94, CRGINOW); (c) g-b images produce less accurate object definition (confusion, see Plate 1); and (d) one can take advantage of the 0"pt 05 WFPC2 astrometry (H95) to use very small spectroscopic slit-widths in good seeing on known high SB-features to enhance the probability of getting z's (D95d). no (a) Driver (UNSW) will use the 3.9 m AAT to get low resolution spectra of galaxies in several Southern WFPC2 B- band parallel fields to secure redshifts. Driver will take the lead in the LF-modeling of the B-band parallel survey data set, as in D94, D95a, DWG95, DP95, PD95. He will model the counts separately for E/S0, Sabc, Sd/Irr's and for the blue compact objects, as in Fig. 3, using the local LF's of Marzke. no (b) Marzke (DAO) will use the MOS/SIS Spectrograph on the 3.6 m CFHT to obtain low-resolution spectra of galaxies to B~ 24 mag, as well as deep infrared imaging of fainter galaxies with CFHT's Redeye NICMOS array. Marzke will take the lead in the following papers from the B-band parallel survey: (1) the B-band LF of different types for 0 z 1 (with Driver et al.); (2) the evolution of satellite populations since z~ 1; (3) the evolution of spectral properties of different Hubble types. no (c) de Jong (Durham) will use the multislit spectrograph LDSS2 on the 4.2 m WHT in La Palma to obtain spectra for galaxies in several Northern B -band parallel fields. no (d) Windhorst, Odewahn, Pascarelle (ASU) will use the MMT Red Spectrograph with multi-aperture plates for low-resolution spectroscopy; the Steward 90 inch for deep UBVI imaging; and the Steward NICMOS arrays for JHK imaging (as in W91, W94a, W94c, M94b, P95a, P95b). The goal is to get redshifts for field galaxies down to B 24 mag --- including compact galaxies and AGN --- for the spectroscopic projects discussed above, and to use UBVIJHK photometry to constrain the effects of dust and provide photometric redshift-estimates for galaxies with V\cge 23.5 mag, where redshifts cannot always be successfully obtained. With multicolor photometry, redshift estimates can possibly be done to a precision of 0.05 in z out to z 0.5 (C95). sno (e) Bootstrap to get UV-morphologies for B-band classifications. We will set up a special bootstrap technique to allow to classify faint galaxies selected in the B-band. Since ground- based redshift surveys down to B 24 mag have a median redshift of z~0.5 --- still with substantial numbers of low- redshift low-luminosity objects, as well as a significant high redshift tail (up to z~ 1; C94, Gl95a) --- our B-band parallel survey primarily samples a galaxy's restframe morphology for 2300--4000Angstrom\ , which can be different from its visual morphology (H92). ANN classifiers need to be trained on a sample of galaxies of the same type, at the same restframe wavelength (and ideally at the same redshift). We will approach this as following: (a) Use de Jong's U & B morphology and light-profiles as a training set to classify low-redshift galaxies in the B-band parallel survey down to B 24 mag; (b) For galaxies with B~24 mag --- where the redshifts can be substantial --- we will use available ASTRO- 1 and -2 UIT images of nearby galaxies at ~2500Angstrom\ and 1500Angstrom\ as a training set (Dr. W. Freedman has agreed to make their ASTRO-2 UIT images available for this). si So that a maximum number of users can benefit from the B-band parallel survey, we will allow the \Vband and \Iband images to go in the public Archive immediately, and the \Bband images after 3 months (provided that the grant comes through at the start of Cycle 6, so we can start rightaway). We will also archive our reduced images and object catalogs in a way accessible to the public, presumably anonymous FTP or CD- roms. Calibration_Justification: ! Move appropriate text from Real_Time_Justification Additional_Comments: Fixed_Targets ! Section 5.1 Target_Number: Target_Name: Alternate_Names: Description: Position: ! Most common specification format is ! RA=0H 0M 0.00S +/- 0S, ! DEC=0D 0' 0.0" +/- 0", ! PLATE-ID=0000 Equinox: RV_or_Z: RA_PM: ! Units are seconds of time per year Dec_PM: ! Units are seconds of arc per year Epoch: Annual_Parallax: Flux: ! Include at least V and B-V Comments: Solar_System_Targets ! Section 5.2 Target_Number: Target_Name: Description: Level_1: ! Satellite of Sun Level_2: ! Satellite of Level_1 Level_3: ! Satellite of Level_2 Ephem_Uncert: ! Needed for REQ EPHEM CORR sp req Acq_Uncert: ! Needed for SAVE and USE OFFSET sp reqs Window: Flux: ! Include at least V and B-V Comments: Generic_Targets ! Section 5.3 Target_Number:1 Target_Name:PAR Description:CLUSTER OF GALAXIES Criteria:ABS_BII > 10D Flux: Comments: Scan_Data ! Appendix B Scan_Number: FGS_Scan: Cont_or_Dwell: Dwell_Points: Dwell_Secs: Scan_Width: Scan_Length: Sides_Angle: Number_Lines: Scan_Rate: First_Line_PA: Scan_Frame: Length_Offset: Width_Offset: ! This is a template for a single visit containing a single exposure ! Repeat exposure and visit blocks as needed Visits ! Section 6 Visit_Number:1 Visit_Requirements: ! Section 7.1 ! Uncomment or copy visit level special requirements needed ! Most of these requirements (including ORIENT) will limit scheduling ! PCS MODE [Fine | Gyro] ! GUIDing TOLerance ! DROP TO GYRO IF NECESSARY [NO REACQuisition] ! ORIENTation TO ! ORIENTation TO FROM ! ORIENTation TO FROM NOMINAL ! SAME ORIENTation AS ! CVZ ! PARallel ! SCHEDulability ! AFTER [BY [TO ]] ! AFTER ! BEFORE ! BETWEEN AND ! GROUP WITHIN