Proposal_Information                           ! Section 4
              Title:  Confirming the Quasar in Cygnus A
  Proposal_Category:  GO
Scientific_Category:  AGN
             Cycle:   6

     PI_name:         Robert Antonucci
     PI_Institution:  University of California, Santa Barbara

          CoI_Name:   Todd Hurt
   CoI_Institution:   University of California, Santa Barbara
           Contact:   N          ! Y or N (designate at most one contact)

          CoI_Name:   Anne Kinney
   CoI_Institution:   Space Telescope Science Institute
           Contact:   N          ! Y or N (designate at most one contact)

Abstract:                                ! Free format text (please update)
    In an earlier G270H spectrum, we discovered an apparent broad
    MgII line in the prototypical powerful double radio galaxy
    Cygnus A, showing that the latter harbors a hidden quasar.
    Because of low SNR and an unflagged bad diode in the FOS/BL array
    at the redshifted MgII line, this result needs to be confirmed.

Questions                       ! Free format text (please update)

         We already have a spectrum under virtually identical
         conditions (Fig. 1), so it's reliable to go by that. The
         throughputs are a little lower now, but less of the
         (spatially extended) target will be outside the observing
         aperture with Costar. These are compensating (\ltwid 20\%)
         Our target is spatially extended and complex, so
         we will use an offset star accurately measured at 2.4 * 10^-15
         ergs/cm^2sAngstrom\ on our FOC image (GASP v=12.2). 

Fixed_Targets                           ! Section 5.1
  Target_Number:   1
    Target_Name:   Cyg-A-Offset
    Description:   STAR, K III-I
       Position:   RA=19H 59M 26.04S+/-.05S,
                   DEC=40D 43' 52.21"+/-.5"
                                        ! PLATE-ID=003S
        Equinox:   J2000
           Flux:  V=12.2+/-.3, F(3460)=2.4+/-.6E-15

  Target_Number:   2
    Target_Name:   Cygnus-A
Alternate_Names:   3C405
    Description:   GALAXY, Radio Galaxy
       Position:   RA=19H 59M 28.47S+/-.05S, 
                   DEC=40D 44' 02.21"+/-.5" ! RA=0H 0M 0.00S +/- 0S,
                                        ! DEC=0D 0' 0.0" +/- 0",
                                        ! PLATE-ID=003S
        Equinox:   J2000
           Flux:   V=15.1, F(3460)=5.0+/-2.0E-17 ! Include at least V and B-V
       Comments:   SE Component of a double nucleus

! This is a template for a single visit containing a single exposure
! Repeat exposure and visit blocks as needed

Visits                                  ! Section 6
      Visit_Number:    1
Visit_Requirements:                     ! Section 7.1

         ORIENTation 113D TO 143D

     Exposure_Number:  1                 ! Section 6.5
         Target_Name:  Cyg-A-Offset
              Config:  FOS/RD
              Opmode:  ACQ/BINARY
            Aperture:  4.3
          Sp_Element:  MIRROR
Number_of_Iterations:  1
   Time_Per_Exposure:  1S
Special_Requirements:                   ! Section 7.2

         ONBOARD ACQuisition FOR 2
        ! USE OFFSET <id>
        ! POSition TARGet <x-value>,<y-value>
        ! SAME POSition AS <exp>


     Exposure_Number:  2                 ! Section 6.5
         Target_Name:  Cygnus-A
              Config:  FOS/RD
              Opmode:  ACCUM
            Aperture:  4.3
          Sp_Element:  G270H
Special_Requirements:                   ! Section 7.2
   Time_Per_Exposure:  240M

        ! ONBOARD ACQuisition FOR <exp-list>
        ! SAVE OFFSET <id>
 !         USE OFFSET OFF-1
        ! POSition TARGet <x-value>,<y-value>
        ! SAME POSition AS <exp>
        ! PHASE <number1[0,1]> TO <number2[0,1]>

Data_Distribution                       ! Defaults indicated; change if desired

         Medium:        8MM
Blocking_Factor:        10
        Ship_To:        PI_Address      ! STSCI or PI_Address or <free-text>
                                        ! PI Address from Phase I is:
                                                 !  Physics Department
                                                 !  Santa Barbara
                                                 !  93106-9530
       Ship_Via:        UPS             ! UPS (2-day) or OVERNIGHT
                                        ! Overnight shipping done at PI expense

Recipient_Email:                        ! Needed if Ship_To: is not PI_Address
                                        ! <free-text>