! GO 6042 FINAL TEMPLATE WITH RJD/DVO MODIFICATIONS AS OF 18APRIL95 18:30 CST ! Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 5 (1995) Phase II Proposal Template ! $Id: 6042,v 14.1 1995/09/25 22:01:57 pepsa Exp $ ! ! Refer to the HST Phase II Proposal Instructions to fill this out ! ! Anything after a "!" is ignored, and may be deleted ! ! All keywords with multiple entries are comma delimited except the ! Visit_Requirements and Special_Requirements keywords which can be ! delimited with carriage returns or semi-colons, but not commas ! ! For help call your Program Coordinator: Denise Taylor ! Phone: 410 338-4824 , E-mail: dctaylor@stsci.edu ! ! This partially completed template was generated from a Phase I proposal. ! Date generated: Sun Dec 18 11:30:23 EST 1994 ! Proposal_Information ! Section 4 Title: FOS SPECTROPHOTOMETRY OF EJECTA FROM ETA CARINAE Proposal_Category: GO Scientific_Category: Hot Stars Cycle: 5 Investigators PI_name: Reginald J. Dufour PI_Institution: Rice University CoI_Name: J. Jeff Hester CoI_Institution: Arizona State University Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Donald K. Walter CoI_Institution: South Carolina State University Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Douglas G. Currie CoI_Institution: University of Maryland Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Doug Van Orsow CoI_Institution: Space Telescope Science Institute Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) Abstract: ! Free format text (please update) We propose to study the physical nature and processes in the gas ejected by the massive star Eta Carinae during its ``Great Eruption" of 1837-1860 and later. Imagery of Eta Car by HST during the past few years has revealed details of a complex ``double-bubble" geometry of ejection, with numerous very high velocity jets and flows between the bipolar lobes of the main mass ejection, previously called the Homunculus. Now we propose to follow the exciting imagery results with spectroscopy of some of the physically distinct features of the ejecta using the Faint Object Spectrograph to obtain UV- optical spectra covering the full 1150-8500Angstrom wavelength range. Coupled with previous HST imagery and ground-based observations, these new data will enable us to perform detailed analysis of the gas kinematics, physical conditions, and abundances at various locations in the ejected material. Eta Carinae is the best example of an ``astrophysical geyser" from a massive star caught in a state of active eruption prior to becoming a supernova. The proposed spectroscopic studies with HST should provide fundamental information for understanding the physics of this phenomenon. Questions ! Free format text (please update) Observing_Description: The observations involve FOS spectroscopy of 10 positions in the Eta Car ejecta using the 0.9-PAIR apertures and G130H, G190H, G270H, G400H, G570H, & G780H gratings. At Alpha=161.3 degrees and Delta=-59.7 degrees, there are six Continuous Viewing Zones (CVZs) available in Cycle 5 (as well as a large one available at the end of Cycle 4). We take advantage of two of these to use the ``dual-aperture" capability of FOS to take spectra of two positions without maneuvering in between, and have selected regions with a consideration of the aperture position angles available at the time of the CVZs, as well as location on selected features that we are interested in. We divide the observing plan into three visits within two CVZs: Visit 1 during CVZ 95.160-166 (at the end of Cycle 4) OR 96.133-134, Visit 2 during CVZ 95.275-276, and Visit 3 during *any* CVZ (we have specified it for 95.275-276 for optimum WFPC2 parallels. During Visit 1 we orient HST to U3=107 degrees and take FOS/RD spectra of two NE jet features (labeled J1+J2 and J3+J4) using the 0.9-PAIR square apertures which are along PA=26 degrees. During Visit 2 we orient HST to U3=212 degrees and take FOS/RD spectra of one homunculus/skirt feature (H1+H2) and two outer S-condensation positions (S1+S2 and S3+S4) using the 0.9-PAIR apertures oriented along PA=294 degrees. Finally, during Visit 3, we take FOS/BL spectra with grating G130H through one aperture only --therefore, making the U3 orientation relatively unimportant, except given the square aperture doing these during one of the FOS/RD CVZs is desired. The exposure times were estimated using: (a) CTIO 4m spectra of S published in Davidson et al. (1986), (b) CTIO 1.5m spectra of NN and S from the M.S. thesis of Kendall (1987), (c) IUE SWP low dispersion NEWSIPS spectra being analyzed by RJD (ADP project), and (d) the WFPC2 F658N image shown in Figure 5 (Hester et al.). The exposure times for G780H & G570H spectra of the S condensation were based on obtaining ~60,000 counts in NIILambda6583 (which is about 6 times stronger than HAlpha), then we used surface brightnesses based on the WFPC2 F658N exposure to approximately ``scale" the G780H-G570H-G400H exposures. We then used IUE SWP spectra of S, NN, and the homunculus to estimate the exposure to get ~1000 counts for the NIIILambdaLambda1750 multiplet (strongest line in the UV spectrum) corresponding to S/N~30 (slightly less due to the UV continuum level) for S2, S3, H1, J3, and S/N~10-20 (very uncertain due to the lack of good IUE spectra) for J1 & J2. The S/N for the UV lines in most of the FOS spectra is expected to be 3-10 times better than previously possible with IUE. Explicit example: For 0.9'' aperture on S2, F(6583)=5E-12 ergs cm^-2 sec^-1, for which the fos diode cps rate for the G780H grating is 7.5 per E-14 ergs cm^-2 sec Fig. 1.2.3. FOS ver 5.0 manuel); therefore, our 60 sec exposure will give 3750 cps/diode or ~2E5 counts total (or about 56E3 per step-patt --so no saturation is expected). For 1750Angstrom NIII from IUE spectra, F=6E-14 ergs cm^-2 sec^-1, the diode cps rate for G190H/RD = 0.6, corresponding to 3.6 cps, or ~3300 counts total in our proposed 900 sec exposure. Finally, we are proposing to do parallel WFPC2 exposures of serendipity fields during the various FOS spectra with the F502N, F547M, F656N, F658N, F673N "emission line" filters AND with the UBVRI(etc.) filters F170W, F336W, F439W, F555W, F702W, and F814W (for stellar CM diagrams). Since Eta Car is embedded in a bright HII region (NGC 3371) known for its complex morphology, we expect these parallels to show exciting nebular structure in the various emission lines. The image quality (i.e., the S/N in the emission lines) will be comparable to that done with HST on the Orion Nebula. We believe there will be significant new science coming out of these parallels. In addition, during CVZ 95.275-276, the WFPC2 falls on the Carina cluster Cr232, and we have an exceptional opportunity to obtain deep wide band imagery of its stellar component during Visits 2-3. Real_Time_Justification: We are requesting 3 orbits during CVZ 95.160-166 OR 96.133- 134, and 5 orbits during CVZ 95.275-276. During the past decade, all three of us have accumulated imagery and spectroscopic observations of the nebulosities associated with Eta Carinae. These include (photographic) echelle longslit spectra with the CTIO 4m telescope of 9 slit positions across all of the various nebular components of the system. In addition, we have more modern 2D-FRUTTI spatially resolved spectra taken (by DKW) with the CTIO 1m telescope covering the LambdaLambda3500-8500 spectral range at 8Angstrom resolution, as well as CCD imagery with the CTIO 0.9m telescope through a variety of interference filters. JJH has been one of the principals involved in the WFPC1 & WFPC2 imagery of the system and is very familiar with these data. RJD is currently involved in analyzing all of the IUE NEWSIPS processed SWP low dispersion spectra of the nebulosities and star as part of an NASA-ADP project (to be extended to LWP/R low dispersion spectra when the new processing of those begin). Finally, DGC has been involved in the astrometric analysis of all previous HST WFPC imagery of the Eta Car system for the purposes of developing a model of the current geometry and past ejection history of the system. Calibration_Justification: ! Move appropriate text from Real_Time_Justification Additional_Comments: Fixed_Targets ! Section 5.1 Target_Number: 1 Target_Name: SPECTRA-OFFSET Alternate_Names: FMM73-STAR67 Description: STAR Position: RA = 10H 45M 6.139S +/- 0.03S, ! RA=0H 0M 0.00S +/- 0S, DEC = -59D 41' 12.17" +/- 0.2" ! DEC=0D 0' 0.0" +/- 0", Equinox: J2000 RV_or_Z: V = 0 RA_PM: ! Units are seconds of time per year Dec_PM: ! Units are seconds of arc per year Epoch: Annual_Parallax: Flux: V = 13.7 +/- 0.2, ! Include at least V and B-V B-V = 0.87 +/- 0.2 ! Include at least V and B-V U-B = 0.31 +/- 0.3 E(B-V) = 0.55 +/- 0.1 E(U-B) = 0.40 +/- 0.1 Comments: BINARY ACQUISTION FOR ALL SPECTROSCOPY TARGETS Target_Number: 2 Target_Name: J1 Alternate_Names: NN-JET Description: ISM,JET Position: RA = 10H 45M 4.38S +/- 0.03S, ! RA=0H 0M 0.00S +/- 0S, DEC = -59D 40' 52.5" +/- 0.2", ! DEC=0D 0' 0.0" +/- 0", Equinox: J2000 RV_or_Z: V = -660 Flux: F-LINE(1750) = 1.3E-14,! Include at least V and B-V F-CONT(1750) = 5.E-16,! Include at least V and B-V F-LINE(6583) = 9.2E-13,! Include at least V and B-V F-CONT(6583) = 1.0E-15 ! Include at least V and B-V Comments: OBSERVES TIP OF NE JET(NN) AND INNER (NS) REGION Target_Number: 3 Target_Name: J3 Alternate_Names: NE-INNER-JET-NW-SKIRT Description: ISM,JET Position: RA = 10H 45M 3.91S +/- 0.03S, ! RA=0H 0M 0.00S +/- 0S, DEC = -59D 40' 59.4" +/- 0.2", ! DEC=0D 0' 0.0" +/- 0", Equinox: J2000 RV_or_Z: V = -600 Flux: F-LINE(1750) = 1.5E-12,! Include at least V and B-V F-CONT(1750) = 1.0E-13,! Include at least V and B-V F-LINE(6583) = 1.5E-11,! Include at least V and B-V F-CONT(6583) = 1.0E-14! Include at least V and B-V Comments: OBSERVES TWO SKIRT REGIONS TOWARDS NE JET Target_Number: 4 Target_Name: S3 Alternate_Names: CURRIE-BAR-S-RIDGE Description: ISM,JET Position: RA = 10H 45M 2.11S +/- 0.03S, ! RA=0H 0M 0.00S +/- 0S, DEC = -59D 41' 10.8" +/- 0.2", ! DEC=0D 0' 0.0" +/- 0", Equinox: J2000 RV_or_Z: V = +1000 Flux: F-LINE(1750) = 3.8E-14,! Include at least V and B-V F-CONT(1750) = 1.0E-15,! Include at least V and B-V F-LINE(6583) = 2.6E-12,! Include at least V and B-V F-CONT(6583) = 1.0E-14! Include at least V and B-V Comments: THIS IS THE CURRIE OUTER "S-BAR" REGION Target_Number: 5 Target_Name: H1 Alternate_Names: THE-PADDLE Description: ISM,JET Position: RA = 10H 45M 3.30S +/- 0.03S, ! RA=0H 0M 0.00S +/- 0S, DEC = -59D 41' 2.0" +/- 0.2", ! DEC=0D 0' 0.0" +/- 0", Equinox: J2000 RV_or_Z: V = -1000 Flux: F-LINE(1750) = 3.0E-13,! Include at least V and B-V F-CONT(1750) = 1.0E-13,! Include at least V and B-V F-LINE(6583) = 5.0E-11,! Include at least V and B-V F-CONT(6583) = 1.0E-12! Include at least V and B-V Comments: OBSERVES THE PADDLE AND HOMONCULUS NW OF ETA CAR Target_Number: 6 Target_Name: S2 Alternate_Names: S-CONDENSATIONS Description: ISM,JET Position: RA = 10H 45M 2.29S +/- 0.03S, ! RA=0H 0M 0.00S +/- 0S, DEC = -59D 41' 6.6" +/- 0.2", ! DEC=0D 0' 0.0" +/- 0", Equinox: J2000 RV_or_Z: V = +200 Flux: F-LINE(1750) = 6.0E-14,! Include at least V and B-V F-CONT(1750) = 5.0E-16,! Include at least V and B-V F-LINE(6583) = 5.5E-12,! Include at least V and B-V F-CONT(6583) = 3.0E-14! Include at least V and B-V Comments: OBSERVES TWO KNOTS IN S CONDENSATION AREA Target_Number: 7 Target_Name: CARINA-FIELD Alternate_Names: SERENDIPITY FIELD Description: ISM, HII REGION Position: RA= 10H 45M 3.00S +/- 0.03S, DEC= -59D 41' 6.0" +/- 0.2", Equinox: J2000 RV_or_Z: V = 0 Flux: Comments: THESE ARE GENERIC PARALLEL FIELDS ! Scan_Data ! Appendix B ! Scan_Number: ! FGS_Scan: ! Cont_or_Dwell: ! Dwell_Points: ! Dwell_Secs: ! Scan_Width: ! Scan_Length: ! Sides_Angle: ! Number_Lines: ! Scan_Rate: ! First_Line_PA: ! Scan_Frame: ! Length_Offset: ! Width_Offset: Visits ! Section 6 Visit_Number: 1 Visit_Requirements: ! Section 7.1 !RJD NOTES: OBSERVES J1+J3 WITH FOS/RD; 3 CVZ ORBITS MAXIMUM ! RESPECIFIED BY RJD 12MAR95 ! Uncomment or copy visit level special requirements needed ! Most of these requirements (including ORIENT) will limit scheduling ! PCS MODE [Fine | Gyro] ! GUIDing TOLerance ORIENTation 106D TO 108D ! ORIENTation TO FROM ! ORIENTation TO FROM NOMINAL ! SAME ORIENTation AS CVZ ! PARallel ! AFTER [BY [TO ]] ! AFTER ! BEFORE ! BETWEEN AND ! GROUP WITHIN