! Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 5 (1995) Phase II Proposal Template ! $Id: 5972,v 14.1 1997/03/03 15:59:51 pepsa Exp $ ! ! Refer to the HST Phase II Proposal Instructions to fill this out ! ! Anything after a "!" is ignored, and may be deleted ! ! All keywords with multiple entries are comma delimited except the ! Visit_Requirements and Special_Requirements keywords which can be ! delimited with carriage returns or semi-colons, but not commas ! ! For help call your Program Coordinator: Doug Van Orsow ! Phone: 410 338-4568 , E-mail: vanorsow@stsci.edu ! ! This partially completed template was generated from a Phase I proposal. ! Date generated: Sun Dec 18 09:54:37 EST 1994 ! Proposal_Information ! Section 4 Title: DETERMINATION OF THE EXTRAGALACTIC DISTANCE SCALE. Proposal_Category: GO Scientific_Category: Galaxies & Clusters Cycle: 5 Investigators PI_name: Jeremy Mould PI_Institution: MSSSO OCIW Steward Observatory CoI_Name: Rob Kennicutt CoI_Institution: University of Arizona Contact: Y CoI_Name: Wendy Freedman CoI_Institution: Caltech Contact: CoI_Name: Sandra Faber CoI_Institution: University of California Santa Cruz Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Holland Ford CoI_Institution: STScI Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: John Graham CoI_Institution: Dept of Terrestrial Magnetism, CIW Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: James Gunn CoI_Institution: Princeton University Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Robert Hill CoI_Institution: Observatories of CIW Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: John Hoessel CoI_Institution: University of Wisconsin Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: John Huchra CoI_Institution: Harvard Smithsonian CFA Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Shaun Hughes CoI_Institution: Royal Greenwich Observatory Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Garth Illingworth CoI_Institution: University of California Santa Cruz Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Barry Madore CoI_Institution: Caltech Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Abhijit Saha CoI_Institution: STScI Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) CoI_Name: Peter Stetson CoI_Institution: Dominion Astrophysical Observatory Contact: ! Y or N (designate at most one contact) Abstract: ! Free format text (please update) Many fundamental problems in cosmology and astrophysics remain unsettled because the value of the expansion rate is uncertain to a factor of two. The refurbished HST is providing the opportunity to break this impasse. We propose to continue a program, which. in combination with other GTO and GO work should lead to a measurement of H_0 to 10 \ Our main goal is the observation of Cepheids in 20 fields in 18 nearby galaxies, for the purpose of calibrating the best secondary distance indicators, including the infrared Tully-Fisher relation, the Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function, the Surface Brightness Fluctuation method, the type Ia supernovae standard candle and the type II supernova Expanding Photosphere Method. Measurement of Cepheids in the Virgo and Fornax clusters is also being carried out. A necessary associated goal of our proposal is strengthening the calibration of the Cepheid PL relation itself, largely via resolved study of star clusters in the LMC and M33. Unique features of this proposal include an end-to-end approach to the extragalactic distance scale, our discovery of Cepheids in Virgo, and a careful error budget for the Key Project. Questions ! Free format text (please update) Observing_Description: Cycle 5 observations may be summarized as follows. Two color observations of an LMC cluster within a single orbit will define the main sequence distance to the LMC. Two-orbit revisits of Cycle 4 galaxies NGC 3351, M100 will strengthen the period determinations of longer period Cepheids. Twelve epoch campaigns on NGC 2090, 2541, 3198, and 4725 will determine distances for these galaxies. Mostly these are single orbit visits, but in some visits F814W observations are made for reddening determination. Thus we need 16 orbits per galaxy. A twelve epoch campaign on NGC1365 will determine the distance of the Fornax cluster. This requires two-orbit visits, which, with color coverage, takes 32 orbits. The Cycle 6 galaxies, NGC 4414, 3319, 4548, 3521, and 1425 will be visited once in Cycle 5 to give a long baseline for future period determinations. Real_Time_Justification: Time-critical observations: in a coherent set of observations we need to determine accurate periods for Cepheids with a wide range of possible periods. Optimal usage of HST time therefore requires a carefully planned sequence. As an example, let us look at the case of NGC 1365. We propose to begin the sequence on 6 August 1995 +/- 1 with the first V and I exposures, followed with observations spaced at 7.4 +/- 0.5 days (V+I), 15.6 +/- 0.2 days, 17.8 +/- 0.3 days, 20.2 +/- 0.3 days, 22.9 +/- 0.3 days (V+I), 26.1 +/- 0.3 days, 29.5 +/- 0.4 days, 33.7 +/- 0.6 days, 38.2 +/- 0.75 days, 43.6 +/- 1.1 days (V+I), 50.0 +/- 1.8 days, and finally 365 +/- 2 days. The last observation is to minimize aliasing problems for the longer period Cepheids. Special orientation: because of undersampling, the position and orientation must be kept fixed for the maximum number of exposures. The length of the cycle, coupled to the roll constraints, allow for only a few days tolerance in the start of a sequence, and once initiated the observing cycle must be completed as specified in the given interval without omission. We have conducted and continue with ground-based calibration observations at Palomar, Steward, Las Campanas, and Siding Spring Observatories. Calibration_Justification: ! Move appropriate text from Real_Time_Justification Additional_Comments: Fixed_Targets ! Section 5.1 Target_Number: 1 Target_Name: NGC4321 Alternate_Names: M100 Description: GALAXY, Spiral Position: RA = 12H 23M 0.94S +/- 2", DEC = +15D 49' 2.5" +/- 2" Equinox: 2000 RV_or_Z: V = 1501 RA_PM: 0 Dec_PM: 0 Annual_Parallax: 0 Flux: SURF(V) = 24 Comments: Return to cycle 4 target Target_Number: 2 Target_Name: NGC1365 Description: GALAXY, Spiral Position: RA = 3H 33M 45.52S +/- 2", DEC = -36D 9' 15" +/- 2" Equinox: 2000 RV_or_Z: V = 1649 RA_PM: 0 Dec_PM: 0 Annual_Parallax: 0 Flux: SURF(V) = 24 Comments: New target for Cycle 5 Target_Number: 3 Target_Name: NGC1425 Description: GALAXY, Spiral Position: RA = 3H 42M 18.40S +/- 2", DEC = -29D 55' 0" +/- 2" Equinox: 2000 RV_or_Z: V = 1628 RA_PM: 0 Dec_PM: 0 Annual_Parallax: 0 Flux: SURF(V) = 24 Comments: New target for Cycle 5 Target_Number: 4 Target_Name: NGC2090 Description: GALAXY, Spiral Position: RA = 5H 46M 59.67S +/- 2", DEC = -34D 16' 35.6" +/- 2" Equinox: 2000 RV_or_Z: V = 707 RA_PM: 0 Dec_PM: 0 Annual_Parallax: 0 Flux: SURF(V) = 24 Comments: Position and orientation have been selected ! Nominal orientation on 13-FEB-96 was the choice Target_Number: 5 Target_Name: NGC2541 Description: GALAXY, Spiral Position: RA = 8H 14M 42.42S +/- 2", DEC = +49D 1' 52.2" +/- 2" Equinox: 2000 RV_or_Z: V = 564 RA_PM: 0 Dec_PM: 0 Annual_Parallax: 0 Flux: SURF(V) = 24 Comments: Return to a Cycle 4 target Target_Number: 6 Target_Name: NGC3198 Description: GALAXY, Spiral Position: RA = 10H 20M 1.57S +/- 2", DEC = +45D 34' 19.2" +/- 2" Equinox: 2000 RV_or_Z: V = 665 RA_PM: 0 Dec_PM: 0 Annual_Parallax: 0 Flux: SURF(V) = 24 Comments: Return to Cycle 4 position and orientation Target_Number: 7 Target_Name: NGC3351 Description: GALAXY, Spiral Position: RA = 10H 43M 53.07S +/- 2", DEC = 11D 41' 26." +/- 2" Equinox: 2000 RV_or_Z: V = 807 RA_PM: 0 Dec_PM: 0 Annual_Parallax: 0 Flux: SURF(V) = 24 Comments: Return to cycle 4 target for one visit Target_Number: 8 Target_Name: NGC3319 Description: GALAXY, Spiral Position: RA = 10H 39M 14.36S +/- 2", DEC = 41D 41' 56" +/- 2" Equinox: 2000 RV_or_Z: V = 749 RA_PM: 0 Dec_PM: 0 Annual_Parallax: 0 Flux: SURF(V) = 24 Comments: New target for Cycle 5 Target_Number: 9 Target_Name: NGC3521 Description: GALAXY, Spiral Position: RA = 11H 5M 50.96S +/- 2", DEC = -0D 5' 3" +/- 2" Equinox: 2000 RV_or_Z: V = 815 RA_PM: 0 Dec_PM: 0 Annual_Parallax: 0 Flux: SURF(V) = 24 Comments: New target for Cycle 5 Target_Number: 10 Target_Name: NGC4548 Description: GALAXY, Spiral Position: RA = 12H 35M 28.93S +/- 2", DEC = 14D 28' 30" +/- 2" Equinox: 2000 RV_or_Z: V = 468 RA_PM: 0 Dec_PM: 0 Annual_Parallax: 0 Flux: SURF(V) = 24 Comments: New target for Cycle 5 Target_Number: 11 Target_Name: NGC1651 Description: EXT-CLUSTER, Globular Cluster Position: RA = 4H 37M 31.55S +/- 2", DEC = -70D 35' 9.5" +/- 2" Equinox: 2000 RV_or_Z: V = 260 RA_PM: 0 Dec_PM: 0 Annual_Parallax: 0 Flux: SURF(V) = 24 Comments: LMC cluster. Place cluster center on PC Target_Number: 12 Target_Name: NGC4414 Description: GALAXY, Spiral Position: RA = 12H 23M 56.9S +/- 5", DEC = +31D 30' 22" +/- 5" Equinox: 1950 RV_or_Z: V = 723 RA_PM: 0 Dec_PM: 0 Annual_Parallax: 0 Flux: SURF(V) = 24 Comments: Return to cycle 4 target for one visit Target_Number: 13 Target_Name: NGC4725 Description: GALAXY, Spiral Position: RA = 12H 50M 37.19S +/- 2", DEC = +25D 32' 47" +/- 2" Equinox: 2000 RV_or_Z: V = 723 RA_PM: 0 Dec_PM: 0 Annual_Parallax: 0 Flux: SURF(V) = 24 Comments: Return to cycle 4 target for one visit Visits ! Section 6 Visit_Number: 1 ! M100 Visit_Requirements: BETWEEN 25-APR-96 AND 20-JUN-96 ORIENT 120.00D TO 120.00D ! This new value from Doug Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to the Cycle 4 position & orient !This visit is intended to be a 2 orbit visit. Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC4321 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2100S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +10 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC4321 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2500S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT ! Section 6 Visit_Number: 2 ! N1365 Visit_Requirements: BETWEEN 5-AUG-95 AND 7-AUG-95 ! Rob's #1 window ORIENT 274.500D to 275.500D ! This value from Rob -5D ! converted to U3 !This is intended to be a 32 orbit target in Cycle 5 ! A 50 day window has been assumed Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2400S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +10 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 3 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 2 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 3 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 2 BY 6.88D TO 7.88D SAME ORIENT AS 2 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 2 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2400S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10.3 , +10 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 3 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 2 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 4 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 2 BY 15.12D TO 16.12D SAME ORIENT AS 2 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 2 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2400S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10.3 , +10.3 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 5 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 2 BY 17.47D TO 18.07D ! SAME ORIENT AS 2 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 2 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2400S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +10.3 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 6 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 2 BY 19.89D TO 20.49D SAME ORIENT AS 2 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 2 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2400S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +9.7 , +10.3 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 7 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 2 BY 22.64D TO 23.24D SAME ORIENT AS 2 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 2 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2400S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +9.7 , +10 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 260S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 ! Section 7.2 Exposure_Number: 3 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 4 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 260S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 Exposure_Number: 5 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 6 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 8 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 2 BY 25.77D TO 26.37D SAME ORIENT AS 2 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 2 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2400S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +9.7 , +9.7 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 9 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 2 BY 29.13D TO 29.93D SAME ORIENT AS 2 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 2 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2400S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +9.7 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 10 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 2 BY 33.11D TO 34.21D SAME ORIENT AS 2 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 2 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2400S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10.3 , +9.7 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 11 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 2 BY 37.49D TO 38.99D SAME ORIENT AS 2 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 2 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2400S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +10 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 12 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 2 BY 42.48D TO 44.68D SAME ORIENT AS 2 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 2 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2400S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10.4 , +10.4 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 3 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 2 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 13 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 2 BY 48.2D TO 51.8D SAME ORIENT AS 2 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 2 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2400S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +9.6 , +9.6 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1365 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT ! Visit_Number: 14 ! This visit was originally a 364-day link in Cycle 6. It was deleted ! to avoid confusion in RPS2 !------------------------------------------------------------------- Visit_Number: 15 Visit_Requirements: BETWEEN 17-AUG-95 AND 5-OCT-95 ! Rob's window #1 ORIENT 280.00D TO 280.00D ! Converted to U3 !This is intended to be a 2 orbit reconnaissance Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1425 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +10 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1425 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2600S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Section 6 Visit_Number: 16 Visit_Requirements: BETWEEN 17-JAN-96 AND 22-JAN-96 ORIENT 60.00D TO 60.00D ! This is from Doug ! converted to U3 !This is intended to be a 16 orbit target in Cycle 5; ! A 50 day window has been assumed Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2090 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2200S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +10 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2090 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2600S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 17 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 16 BY 6.88D TO 7.88D SAME ORIENT AS 16 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 16 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2090 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2200S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10.3 , +10 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2090 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2600S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 18 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 16 BY 15.12D TO 16.12D SAME ORIENT AS 16 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 16 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2090 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2200S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10.3 , +10.3 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 19 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 16 BY 17.47D TO 18.07D SAME ORIENT AS 16 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 16 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2090 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2200S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +10.3 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 20 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 16 BY 19.89D TO 20.49D SAME ORIENT AS 16 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 16 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2090 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2200S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +9.7 , +10.3 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 21 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 16 BY 22.64D TO 23.24D SAME ORIENT AS 16 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 16 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2090 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 200S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +9.7, +10 Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2090 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 1800S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT ! Section 7.2 Exposure_Number: 3 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2090 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 300S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 Exposure_Number: 4 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2090 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2100S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 22 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 16 BY 25.77D TO 26.37D SAME ORIENT AS 16 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 16 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2090 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2200S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +9.7 , +9.7 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 23 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 16 BY 29.13D TO 30.13D SAME ORIENT AS 16 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 16 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2090 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2200S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +9.7 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 24 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 16 BY 33.11D TO 34.31D SAME ORIENT AS 16 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 16 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2090 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2200S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10.3 , +9.7 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 25 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 16 BY 37.49D TO 39.29D SAME ORIENT AS 16 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 16 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2090 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2200S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10.4 , +10.4 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 26 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 16 BY 42.48D TO 45.08D SAME ORIENT AS 16 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 16 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2090 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2200S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +9.6 , +9.6 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2090 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2600S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 27 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 16 BY 48.20D TO 51.80D SAME ORIENT AS 16 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 16 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2090 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2200S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +10 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT ! Visit_Number: 28 ! This was another 364-day revisit that has been deleted !-------------------------------------------------- Visit_Number: 29 Visit_Requirements: BETWEEN 29-OCT-95 AND 31-OCT-95 ! ORIENT 255.00D TO 255.00D ! This value from Doug ! converted to U3 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to the Cycle 4 position & orient !This is intended to be a 16 orbit target in Cycle 5 !V3 = 75 actually wasn't a good choice, but that's what was done in Cy 4 apparently !Rob K reduced window to 46 days from 50, by scaling all links by 0.92 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2541 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +10 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2541 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 30 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 29 BY 6.29D TO 7.29D SAME ORIENT AS 29 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 29 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2541 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10.3 , +10 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2541 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 31 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 29 BY 13.87D TO 14.87D SAME ORIENT AS 29 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 29 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2541 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10.3 , +10.3 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 32 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 29 BY 16.05D TO 16.65D SAME ORIENT AS 29 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 29 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2541 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +10.3 ! Section 7.2 Visit_Number: 33 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 29 BY 18.27D TO 18.87D SAME ORIENT AS 29 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 29 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2541 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +9.7 , +10.3 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 34 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 29 BY 20.80D TO 21.40D SAME ORIENT AS 29 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 29 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2541 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 260S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +9.7 , +10 ! Section 7.2 Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2541 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 1900S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 3 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2541 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 260S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 Exposure_Number: 4 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2541 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 35 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 29 BY 23.68D TO 24.28D SAME ORIENT AS 29 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 29 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2541 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +9.6 , +10.4 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 36 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 29 BY 26.76D TO 27.76D SAME ORIENT AS 29 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 29 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2541 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +9.7 , +9.7 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 37 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 29 BY 30.41D TO 31.61D SAME ORIENT AS 29 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 29 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2541 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +9.7 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 38 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 29 BY 34.52D TO 36.12D SAME ORIENT AS 29 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 29 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2541 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10.3 , +10 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 39 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 29 BY 39.28D TO 41.28D SAME ORIENT AS 29 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 29 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2541 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10.4 , +10.4 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2541 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 40 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 29 BY 45.0D TO 47.0D SAME ORIENT AS 29 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 29 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC2541 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +9.6 , +9.6 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT !----------------------------------------------------------------- Visit_Number: 42 Visit_Requirements: BETWEEN 16-NOV-95 AND 19-NOV-95 ORIENT 270.06D TO 270.06D Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to the Cycle 4 position & orient ! Observed in November 1994 !This is intended to be a 16 orbit target in Cycle 5 !The window is 50 days Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3198 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +10 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3198 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 43 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 42 BY 6.88D TO 7.88D SAME ORIENT AS 42 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 42 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3198 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10.3 , +10 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3198 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 44 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 42 BY 15.12D TO 16.12D SAME ORIENT AS 42 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 42 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3198 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10.3 , +10.3 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 45 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 42 BY 17.47D TO 18.07D SAME ORIENT AS 42 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 42 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3198 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +10.3 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 46 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 42 BY 19.89D TO 20.49D SAME ORIENT AS 42 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 42 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3198 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +9.7 , +10.3 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 47 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 42 BY 22.64D TO 23.24D SAME ORIENT AS 42 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 42 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3198 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 260S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +9.7 , +10 ! Section 7.2 Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3198 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 1900S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 3 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3198 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 260S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 Exposure_Number: 4 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3198 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 1000S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 Exposure_Number: 5 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3198 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 1100S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 48 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 42 BY 25.77D TO 26.37D SAME ORIENT AS 42 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 42 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3198 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +9.7 , +9.7 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 49 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 42 BY 29.13D TO 30.13D SAME ORIENT AS 42 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 42 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3198 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +9.7 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 50 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 42 BY 33.11D TO 34.31D SAME ORIENT AS 42 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 42 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3198 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10.3 , +9.7 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 51 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 42 BY 37.49D TO 39.29D SAME ORIENT AS 42 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 42 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3198 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10.4 , +10.4 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 52 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 42 BY 42.48D TO 45.08D SAME ORIENT AS 42 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 42 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3198 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +9.6 , +9.6 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3198 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2700S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT Visit_Number: 53 Visit_Requirements: AFTER 42 BY 48.2D TO 51.8D SAME ORIENT AS 42 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to position of visit 42 Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3198 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +9.6 , +10.4 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT !---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit_Number: 54 Visit_Requirements: BETWEEN 1-DEC-95 AND 14-DEC-95 ! ORIENT 292.00D TO 292.00D ! This value from Doug ! converted to U3 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to the Cycle 4 position & orient !This visit is intended to be a one orbit revisit. Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3351 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2100S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +10 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT !---------------------------------------------------------- Visit_Number: 55 Visit_Requirements: BETWEEN 20-NOV-95 AND 12-JAN-96 ORIENT 279.00D TO 281.00D ! This is U3 !This is intended to be a 1 orbit reconnaissance Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3319 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +10 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT !-------------------------------------------------------- Visit_Number: 56 Visit_Requirements: BETWEEN 10-DEC-95 AND 3-FEB-96 ORIENT 296.00D TO 298.00D ! This is U3 !This is intended to be a 1 orbit reconnaissance Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC3521 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2100S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +10 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT !-------------------------------------------------------- Visit_Number: 57 Visit_Requirements: BETWEEN 24-APR-97 AND 22-JUN-97 ! ORIENT 122.00D TO 124.00D ! This is U3 !This is intended to be a 2 orbit reconnaissance Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC4548 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +10 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC4548 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = NO Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2600S Special_Requirements: SAME POS AS 1 END ORBIT !-------------------------------------------------------- Visit_Number: 58 Visit_Requirements: Visit_Comments: Obtain main sequence of 3 Gyr cluster in one orbit Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1651 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: PC1-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 1100S Exposure_Number: 2 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC1651 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: PC1-FIX Sp_Element: F814W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 1100S END ORBIT !---------------------------------------------------------------- Visit_Number: 59 Visit_Requirements: BETWEEN 12-APR-96 AND 11-JUN-96 ! ORIENT 140.00D TO 140.00D ! This value from Doug ! converted to U3 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to the Cycle 4 position & orient !This visit is intended to be a one orbit revisit. Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC4414 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +10 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT !---------------------------------------------------------- Visit_Number: 60 Visit_Requirements: BETWEEN 21-APR-96 AND 20-JUN-96 ! Check this date ORIENT 140.00D TO 140.00D ! This value from Doug ! converted to U3 Visit_Comments: Return as close as possible to the Cycle 4 position & orient !This visit is intended to be a one orbit revisit. Exposure_Number: 1 ! Section 6.5 Target_Name: NGC4725 Config: WFPC2 Opmode: IMAGE Aperture: WFALL-FIX Sp_Element: F555W Optional_Parameters: CR-SPLIT = 0.5 CR-TOLERANCE = 0.1 Number_of_Iterations: 1 Time_Per_Exposure: 2300S Special_Requirements: POS TARG +10 , +10 ! Section 7.2 END ORBIT Comments: Data_Distribution ! Defaults indicated; change if desired Medium: 8MM ! 8MM or 6250BPI or 1600BPI Blocking_Factor: 10 ! 10 or 1 Ship_To: Holland Ford STScI ! Ship_Via: ! UPS (2-day) or OVERNIGHT ! Overnight shipping done at PI expense Recipient_Email: ford@stsci.edu __Diagnostic-Sum-Section__ Software-Version (Controller= 2.0) Preprocessor (Errors= 0 Fatal-Errors= 0 ) Validation (Errors= 0 Fatal-Errors= 0 ) Transformation (Errors= 0 Fatal-Errors= 0 ) CASM (Errors= 13 Fatal-Errors= 0 ) __User-Comments__ Doug, Here is the Phase II submission for the H0 Key Project. As you will see everything runs fine except for scheduling problems (target visibility constraints) on NGC 1365 and NGC 3351. I expect these are due to the limited visibility constraints that are allowed by RPS2. Let me know if there are any other problems. The program lists 60 visits, but two are commented out (14, 28). We left the original visit numbers in place because of the numerous links between visit numbers. This will be delivered to you from a Kitt Peak computer (v11@ursa.noao.edu) because RPS2 does not run on the Arizona computers. Please reply to my normal address: robk@as.arizona.edu. Thanks, Rob Kennicutt